Hi MadMauz,Short answer is Regulation 150 of the Civil Aviation Regulations prohibits the dropping of anything from aircraft except in accordance with a list in that regulation such as crop dusting or fire bombing, et, etc. It"s quite a long list.
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Aerial Seeder
I"ve actually sent out notices to farmers asking do they want photos taken of their farms " for free " . all they have to do is notify me in writing of permission to do so . . once I have the photos I send it to them ," for free." some have said I should take it up as extra income , to which I reply " not possible and I don"t want to give anything to the government for it either , i just love my flying and taking photos." they have always been very happy with the photos and others have trouble understanding what "for free" actually means any more. like there was a catch to it. sad really.
don"t think we really appreciate what our board goes through at coroners courts.I got a pretty good idea wot it"s like to be crackn me cranium ona brick wall, which is why, even if accepted, I wouldn"t be any use to the asra crew.Can"t do much locked ina cage coz you strangled sum idiot that had " please strangle me" plastered on his forehead. >
Yes Birdy,it can be dangerous. But the whole idea of sport aircraft is just that,a sport,not a business.Yes they are ideal for mustering but I have been to three fatalities involving mustering in recent years.Its all good to say we should be allowed to fly what we want when we want with no bureaucratic restrictions but there is allways someone else in the picture that gets hurt at the end when the rules are broken.CASA leagalized two seat training(for reward) back in the late 80"s (I think) because the other option,train yourself, was obviously even more dangerous.I think PB was President then so he could give details of the red tape they had to go through to get it done.
P. S.The Board over the years has endeavoured to have represtitives from "the land" on every new Board.At the moment they have high hour ATPL captains to high hour mustering "captains" and everything in between.David I think you should nominate for the ASRA Board next term,you just wont be able to bring "harry" to the meetings.
I am not sure whether it has changed recently but CASA has dual roles which is to both enforce regulations and to promote aviation (IOW to protect aviation business).This means safety is not necessarily the only reason that regulations are put into place, CASA may also use regulations to protect current operators investment. If you are an owner of an aerial seeder business you would have to make a significant investment in setting this business up by using certified aircraft, a operations certificate, chief pilot requirements etc etc. This all costs a lot of upfront in terms of both time and money and CASA would not be doing their job if
Well well, that last post dose clear it up very well.Like I said before, protectionism is wot this country dose best.Safety and viability don"t come into it wen regs are rit.And I"ll say it again, bring on the depression.Just for the record, I just heard this mor,n that Anatha CH-7b choppy has gon down, this time the pilot wasn"t so lucky.
David I think you should nominate for the ASRA Board next term,you just wont be able to bring "harry" to the meetings.Muz, if I go, Harry goes to.No one listens to me, but they seem to understand him very clearly.But seriously, I"v considered it before, but reality tells me it would be a wast of time.
Yes Birdy,it can be dangerous. But the whole idea of sport aircraft is just that,a sport,not a business.It will happen one day, being able to do commercial work. I suppose a lot has changed over the last twenty years.Who knows what hoops you will have to jump through!Gyro to be compliant [is that what you call it, not one off designs]100hr service done by a TATA to be licencedetcRoss
Remember: no matter where you go, there you are
No wunder this country if F****D.The old golden rule was " the man with the gold makes the rules".Now, in this country at least, it"s " the man with the rules makes the gold".And people wunder why I sound like a spoiled brat.At least I can see the f***n obvious, and don"t bend over whenever they say so.