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Aerial Seeder

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  • #16
    Thanks Chopper, well said. I"ve got some some seeding ideas I"m going to play with, nothing material yet, waiting for a few rain days!


    • #17
      Brinard,What kind of application was you planning on doing? grass? Bait? fert? In another country..... i know a person that did mouse baiting along fence lines and in isolated patches of crop with some success, but it was a some what agricultural setup... with a hand crank and 15kgs at a time. would love to try a setup like they have in the link below using an electrical feed motor. Personally i cringe when i see these "new generation" gyro"s marketed with kitted out liquid spraybooms... and i do hope it never gets allowed in Oz as it would be nightmare if When **** hits the fan and you spray out old mates crop next door or 5km away due to winds. solids i don"t see a problem with In the end you"ll work out its just easier to call in the pro"s if its any sort of large area.


      • #18
        Ol Mate in another country was dropping fire bombs on his own property when he hit his elbow on the pod and dropped one and it rolled under his seat tank. He had to undo his harness and fish for it and decend preparing for a crash landing if he couldn"t reach it, but finally got it and it ignited in free fall.


        • #19
          Gee"z Max! sounds as interesting as Old Mate in another country that strapped a machine gun to his gyro back in the day


          • #20
            Ya Nuthn but a mob of rednecks.You"d never see me do,n Nuthn like this.


            • #21


              • #22
                Your story Max sounds like the "loaded dog" yarn! Bloke using explosives catches a rabbit, ties the said explosives to rabbit, lets it go to head back into the bowels of the rabbit warren old mate was thinking of blowing up when the ever faithful red dog decided its time for some bunny chasing, red dog cuts rabbit off from the warren, rabbit seeing old mates tojo as the only other cover dives under vehicle with red dog in hot pusuit, next thing rabbit vanishes in a cloud of fur as does the new tojo


                • #23
                  TSemler, Thanks for the forum link, very interesting (I have the same gyro). Buffel seed is what I had in mind for the seeder, no spraying! I plan to try and use a windscreen wiper motor (or something similar) to paddle the seed out with. I can see a lot of ground testing happening to try and get the seed to run. The little bit I"ve had to do with seeding (and by little bit I mean tiny bit) I know that if it"s not contained the stuff gets everywhere, so that I will be trying to avoid. I"m hoping to use the same concept (with some pluming adjustments) in a hornet STOL ultralight as well.


                  • #24
                    Howdy all,Just dropping in briefly again - Regulation 2 of the Civil Aviation Regulations reads ""agricultural operations" means the broadcasting of chemicals, seeds, fertilizers and other substances from aircraft for agricultural purposes, including purposes of pest and disease control, while "aerial application" is one form of agricultural operation involving the application of "application material", and application material" means fertiliser, trace elements, seeds, baits, water, pesticides or other material."


                    • #25
                      Thanks Mark, after trying to read that, I might put my buffel seed out with a motor bike or helicopter instead!


                      • #26
                        Thanks there it is folks.........however30 odd yrs back we too were bogged down with " rules ". They were more restrictive, near on choked gyros, so folks just did their own thing, bugger the rules. Way back then chap Western Qld decided to chase moos, goats etc, it became his prime source of income, he openly worked all over Qld, for all those yrs, right up to recently.Authorities and folks all knew, it was accepted by all. Nothing came of it, ever, he just kept providing a service.Now.......we have many guys providing a gyro service, all over the country, all getting payed, it,s not done under secrecy, it,s plain openly done. this day, " authorities " turn a blind eye to it, they know damn well gyros are welcome, and appreciated for their abilities to aid rural businesses.So......letting "rules " tie you down, and not just pushing those stupid rules......the rules will never change .We all pushed the rules way back when, that forced changes.( can recall way back a Victorian
                        If you aim for nothing, you'll hit it every time


                        • #27
                          Thanks Mark for taking the time to clarify the situation.A couple of points on Russ"s comments. Whilst we all know stock mustering is common place, the problem lies when someone complains such as a commercial heli pilot or organization who have spent a lot of money to be "legal" & resent someone moving in on their territory. Also a lot of attention is gained when a fatal happens. Hopefully no one else other than the pilot is killed or hurt as the potentail for the situation to get real ugly is high !!Its always possible CASA may react & take us on which would put any commercial operation out of the sky"s very quickly[ I"m not going to elaorate on the forum how that can be done but its really simple to do] Gyro"s arent the only ones with this problem, there are plenty of RAA Aus LSA being operated in the same way. As I see it, CASA are going to at some point of time either legalize commercial activities or else shut it down.Rules can & do change all the time, you can now legally fly into most airports now with the appropiate licence /radios etc


                          • #28
                            As for contaminating the place next door, I"d have to go a bit further than 5km and I think most of them would encourage it anyway. The main area would be in north QLD and possibly the eastern side of the NTBe sure you stay the hell away from this part of the NT with that buffle sh$$. >But, if your lookn for free seed, help yaself.


                            • #29
                              Thanks Mark, after trying to read that, I might put my buffel seed out with a motor bike or helicopter instead! Yrs back, some govt boofhead gave the Ok, to spread some seed all about the NT, was bought in from S Africa, great moo tucker they said....( gamba grass, hymernacmi, sorry about the spelling,) yea, they were a total disaster, choked everything else out, moos didn"t like it at all, so now they are spending mega bucks trying to poison the lot, and loosing the battle. Same boofheads gave the Ok, to import mimosa, eradicating that mongrel stuff has also been a failure, and mega bucks is spent trying. So now we got " buffel grass" we go, another brain fart in the making maybe, time will tell.
                              If you aim for nothing, you'll hit it every time


                              • #30
                                Depends on where you live Russ.Buffle actually improves sum country, and fxxxxs up others.Corse, seeds don"t giva where they are.

