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Tracking our families

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  • RossM
    Why do people leave this country to go overseas?Can you go overseas without leaving

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  • Russell
    I must admit Russ, If I had some futuristic flying machine where we had all the comforts of home. Thats it! an anti gravity flying round house. I"d visit all those places. (As long as I can bring along my 3 female friends) Stuff steering at the back of someones head for 16 hrs. then living out of a suitcase ;DMaaate, me and Lucy know you and your beautiful wife well, it,s got us stuffed, how the hell did Ira give you the ok, to do this 3sum thing. Expect a ph call, I want to hear

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  • tonydenton
    yes max I"m here. and again with the three women.

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  • RickE
    I agree with you Chook, my wife has organized a trip to China in June for us. A flying trip in a gyro through the Kimberley, now that"s a holiday.

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  • mad max
    I must admit Russ, If I had some futuristic flying machine where we had all the comforts of home. Thats it! an anti gravity flying round house. I"d visit all those places. (As long as I can bring along my 3 female friends) Stuff steering at the back of someones head for 16 hrs. then living out of a suitcase ;D

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  • Russell
    If you"ve got a gyro, you"ve got everything. Some people are obsessed with traveling the world. I think they are not contented. Maybe searching for their souls :-WTF......... ;D, I for one, is reeeel content travelling the globe, improves me soul too.

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  • mad max
    If you"ve got a gyro, you"ve got everything. Some people are obsessed with traveling the world. I think they are not contented. Maybe searching for their souls :-

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  • Justin
    Good point chook.I used to luv flying up and down the beach when I was training and after I had finished.Got me why people go over seas when I hear that we live in the best country in the world.People I have spoken to in the passed have said that, who have travelled the world.

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  • chook
    my wife is dragging me to Borneo shortly. I despise overseas travel - can"t tolerate being stuffed inside an aircraft that I am not flying and then having to put up with officialdom at both ends. (customs, immigration, taxi drivers......)I am seriously considering taking my gyro EPIRB with me in my cabin luggage on this trip. I am sure that will be illegal somewhere. Oh god I love the annual gyro flying trips up and down our coast - everyone speaks english, great view, no d1ckheads, good medical care, no nasty diseases, no bali belly. Why do people leave this country to go overseas? Regards.....Chook.

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  • tonydenton
    I did think from this, the system should be started and stopped by ground crew. that would tick the boxes for this one for sure. everyone would have their theriors for this missing plane for sure. I haven"t been far wrong in thinking of the possibilities that they are now considering. it amuses me to think that the media hasn"t heard from anyone "CLAIMING RESPONCEABILITY" like their was some rule that some one had too claim it..

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  • Colinm-m22
    started a topic Tracking our families

    Tracking our families recon that all planes carrying passangers should have a permanently powered automatic (with backup) transmitting device/s like a transponder, EPIRB like device, and ADS-B (out) system on-board. These transmitters should work as soon as the plane moves and must not be able to be switched off or controlled by the pilots. There must also be an emergency EPIRB option for the crew in the back of the plane in case a pilot locks the co-pilot out the cockpit!Surely they can come up with a practical and sustainable solution that cannot fail. I feel for these peoples families. They can’t even claim anything, because the insurance companies don’t have a status certification at this stage! Whats next! Grr!