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No Im not mental............really!
A couple of things, it would have been good to see it fly, and to actually shoot whilst flying, for a couple of reasons.... one, real miniguns weigh a surprising amount, so 2 of them plus mounting would probably be 50kg - 60kg so depending on pilot weight and fuel quantity, I doubt it would fly well, add to the fact that each gun would chew slightly over 3000 rounds per minute and 30 seconds worth of ammo would weigh about 40kg, the drag of the guns would make it a slow machine if it could get off the ground at all, the noise and fire and brimstone from the muzzles would likely deafen, incinerate the pilot, poison him or shoot off his elbows and the used brass (some of them at least and it only takes one.... right Tim) would probably go thru the prop and if both weren"t fired at once the machine would turn in circles..... apart from that, it is a great idea, except that one would be enough (plenty).... if they were real
Looks very cool tho, just a shame they used a "less than most desireable" gyro....Oh, ok, watched it again and saw the start, they are air powered....basically rotating BB guns.... still draggy, not real light with ammo, compressor etc but a great gag... would have liked to see it fly and shoot something