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An idea for a pneumatic prerotator

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  • An idea for a pneumatic prerotator

    A while back I started working on an idea for an air driven prerotator, as my machine comes back together, I will be looking at it again. I have never heard of anyone trying it, but it might work. I will let you know as I go. I used to be in automotive air conditioning and the idea came when someone bought in an early commodore that they had fitted aircon to and just wanted me to re-gas it. I connected up the filling station and proceded to start the fill after pulling a vacuum.... the high side went ballistic and the low side was in negative

  • #2
    Sorry MadMuz I don"t want to rain on your parade but air tools have no torque. When it gets too much for them they give up and just bypass the air. Another thing is that a car a/c compressor won"t have anywhere near enough cfm to hold 100psi for the air tools to work properly (although they go 200+psi easily). They are somewhere around 8-9 CFM. The thing to do is add a grease nipple to the compressor for lubrication, save having to oil it. Matthew


    • #3
      You could be right Matthew, I will give it a crack tho. When I tried the drill on the old kingswood that time, I drilled a few holes in things to see if it would work and I drilled a hole in a block of aluminium at about 2000 rpm (the car engine that is) depending if the pump is a scroll type or the piston type, they move a fair bit of air, and the faster the engine runs, the more air the pump moves. The compressors need oil, but like in the fridge, the oil usually doesn"t move far from the pump, and just drains back once the motor stops.... that is why if you lay a fridge down, you have to stand it up for long enough time to get the oil to drain back. If you stand it up and turn it on straight away, any oil in the pipes gets blown into the condenser which leaves not enough in the compressor eventually. When I try it, if it doesn"t work, I will just rip it off and stick with electric again


      • #4
        Think about how many hp the compressor takes away from the engine, you can"t get more than that for the prerotator.


        • #5
          That"s right Disco.... it might work, it might not..... it might build up enough pressure to just turn the rotor.... it might be half reasonable.... probably not, but here"s to science.... and hoping


          • #6
            I cant handle airconditioners, so wen i bort a 2nd hand ute with one init, i riped all the AC crap out, cept for the compresser.Makes an excellent tyer pump. 270psi if you want it, and it only takes bout a minit to pump a 10.00/20 tyer from 20 to 40psi.But muz,


            • #7
              Muz you need an air compressor with big lungs to run Pneumatics but if you had a small lightweight air tank like truck break system and of course a safety valve and a set pressure 100 Psi regulator switch connected to the air compressor pump can"t see why not. Hey you could run a refrigerant line bypass valve and cool ya stubby"s in flight too...genius. FIG JAM.Mike.


              • #8
                birdy"s onto something.....


                • #9
                  ^OMG! Have I created a monster??


                  • #10
                    Using exhaust gas to drive a pnuematic motor for prerotation has been tried before. There was a story in the Gyro News a few years back with photos of the set up.Rob


                    • #11
                      Using exhaust gas to drive a pnuematic motor for prerotation has been tried before. There was a story in the Gyro News a few years back with photos of the set up.RobThe Lincoln air vantage welder use a exhaust powered compressor, to produce 40-60cfm @ 100psi from a 4 cylinder cummin engin running at 1500rpm.


                      • #12
                        There used to be compressors made from VEE DUB engines two cylinders as compressor and two to drive it. They also use some V8 diesels as boosters for the drilling industry one side as motor and the other side as pressure booster but might be a little on the weighty side for a gyro.Cheers


                        • #13
                          I looked into channeling sum 912 soot, but figured the RAF setup was better.Cant compare coz i never tyed it, but itd have to make it a VTO gyro to better the RAF one.


                          • #14
                            manulinor is right and I think it was ian scganizlar maybe ,[ anyone heard how ian is ?? ] wasn"t anything ian did wrong just doesn"t have the pressure. in anything "pressure is power" the grease nipple on the air con pump works just as an f.y.i. I know of farmers that have air con pumps as compressors set up on tractors. then they drive home in there B.M.W. 4.w.d.


                            • #15
                              Yeah i remember the article it was Michael Kulow? from south oz that tried it, he is an engineer by trade... if i remember rightly it wasn"t even as powerful as a electric prerotator.

