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i love it.

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  • i love it.

    it's been too long [ about a month ] since I had a fly , I know I need more and not less but things get in the way. [ work , and family getting older ] anyway today I dropped everything after lunch and went out there. it didn't want to start really. playing hard to get up there. the glider boys were chucking off at me saying had I reread the manual lately.
    anyway as per usual when I left mother earth behind all my stress's stay on the ground. a perfect day for flying ,
    I went and visited anew place where the owner was just at the strip and invited me to his place when ever, has also got a cross strip and beaut wind sock. [ but no flying machine.]
    the weather was calm and I flew straight and level , I truly was a legend in my own mind. my mates are always sooooooo jealous.
    when I got back to the glider strip all the boys were packing up and standing around the only hanger that has something that flies with an engine.[ me ] and I really picked the perfect engine power setting and perfect glide angle and the most perfect magical landing. I even impressed myself and have the witness's to prove it . the glider boys were dragging their bottom jaws in the dirt when they saw me land. my mates are always soooo jealous. anyway you gotta love flying. I do .!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • #2
    As Van Morrison sings Tony......."and there will be days like this" 😉


    • #3
      Flying is always a great thing to do any day I reckon but it sounds like you had a good time & its always good to nail the landing, specially when there's on lookers. Just imagine flying a nice light 912 powered rocket & you would be having even more fun ! I havent done much flying for a month or so but did a bit over 10 hours in just two days last week.


      • #4
        thanks Brian, I never claim to do long hours like that, but would love to cross that off my bucket list one day too. you truly are a legend to be able to do hours/time under the conditions that your flying with. I can't believe you just had a dig at me with that ROTAX thing . [cheeky bugger.] .

        when people ask how long can I fly for I always answer 4 hours but my bladder can only last 2 1/2 hrs. .
        I do hum a song sometimes on landing RICK, just to relax me, [ it works well for me too ] but I honestly forgot this time , this time all the stars must of been aligned in the nano-sphere for me as everything just felt right from the start .
        ross m found it easier to phone me . ha ha . good on you ross top bloke as always. phones me when I'm on a high but also not shy to check up when I'm on a downer. .thanks mate.


        • #5
          I wouldn't be doing long hours flying in a straight line Tony, specially in a gyro. Did a bit over 6 hours today rounding up sheep. Finished up a late day thanks to fog delaying the starting time.
          Yeah, I can't believe I did the Rotax dig either, sorry mate! Just can't help myself since seeing the light.


          • #6
            ha ha Brian. I have been getting paranoid with you and your ROTAX switch. been thinking for days it's far more talented to grease it on in a heavy machine than a light one.
            i'm starting to shed some weight thou .
            yes my backside but also gone back to the ROTAX box [ gotten rid of the heavy autoflight thing ]
            next is the exhaust, I had mine heavier trying to quieten it down extremely , because of where I flew from years ago, ROB was paranoid about the noise because of some of his neighbours,
            I was thinking of aluminium. the bike shops say it is ok on bikes but mine will probably melt and hang down in a molten blob and drag into the ground when i land like a " D 9 "
            of course you would only get a "D4" from a ***** little rotax.. did you see that one coming.


            • #7
              ******* ??. sorry webby. .


              • #8
                It takes a lot more talent flying a heavy machine Tony, the lightweight gyros make everything much easier that's for sure. Noise is relative to a few things like how much throttle you apply & how fast that prop spins. My old girl was fairly okay on the noise level but give it a big boot on the throttle & it bellowed


                • #9
                  brian, do you actually have more torque with the larger slightly slower turning prop than a smaller higher speed prop.
                  I never fly anyone elses gyro's for few reasons, one is I know my machine , the weight , response time in power and torque , any little tricks that might come in handy for one day I do a not my perfect landing, . anyway I always thought I would surely stuff it up if in another gyro that had less torque / grunt / bla bla bla. is it actually like that. . is there such a thing where one gyro has more thrust at lower speed because of prop size and speed . that doesn't really make sense but I know what I mean.
                  my instructor told me that in a tug a war between 2 gyros with the same engine power the gyro with the larger prop would have more grunt and win.
                  let the debate begin.


                  • #10
                    I'm not a great technical person Tony but from my limited experience the slower turning prop becomes more efficient . The amount of pitch on the blades is a factor as well & the engine needs to be able to drive the bigger slower prop .
                    Strange as it might sound, I have only flown a couple of other gyros than my own mainly for the same reason as you Tony.

                    My first gyro was an open framed suby EA 81 & one day I had to follow a bloke around a property who was flying a Tim McClure open framed EA 81 but with a rotax gearbox & a bigger prop than mine & I was all the time asking him to slow down as I couldn't even keep up with him .


                    • #11
                      wow ok I always think mine is slow. a lot of that is me being in the open frame and me being a huuggg inefficient dragg in the wind.
                      I have a pod design worked out for my long legs and the access i need , but have no intention od using it for another 10 to 15 years when I will need the protection from the cold.

