Anybody have recommendations as to kneeboards for ipad and paper flight plan carrying capacity? May have to take a trip to Bankstown for a visual inspection of a few which is a bit of a drive. There are many available online but I can't tell the difference with some of them and dunno if price is any indication of anything important. Also, I'm looking at paper flight plans. The CASA one is too small so trying to re-do a larger one on excel. Can't find one already done on the docs section of ASRA so would somebody already have one in excel or word?
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Kneeboards / flight plan ".docs"
HI Jeremie. I am currently doing my cross country endorsement in a fully open single seater and have used the old black aluminium Vietnam era military knee board with the top and bottom clips. On one flight the map came loose from the top clip and flapped and scrunched into an un readable mess on initial climb out which caused me to become fairly busy. The fix was to place the map within a plastic envelope with a fine stiff fibreglass plate behind it and then insert it. One of my flying suits has a clear map in the right hand leg which works ok if you carefully fold the map.