The 'other day' I was asked to take a bloke up who was contemplating purchasing a Jab. or light wing. He wished to experience a gyro first. As he drove 100 km to reach my place I took him up with a little risk with a few tropical storm cells around. We cruised around for a half hr. and on returning to the bush strip I had to go between two cells. The rain was heavier than expected and caused the windscreen to become zero viz. I kept going looking out the door and the engine had had enough of rain and protested by starting to splutter. I followed a road as a precaution and the engine went down to 40% power and we were unable to make it back. I dived her down and zoomed along the road while a storm front wind hit us side on and I managed to zoom between a tree row and kick her sideways onto a clearing just 1 km from our bush strip. The bloke was so impressed with the controllability of rotary wing that he has rubbished any thoughts of getting a fixed wing. -Another convert-
