Around Australia Gyro AdventureThe Plan.The plan is to fly around Australia, following the coast for much of the trip. Starting from Margaret River WA, late March 2006.Plan to be at the Nationals Biggenden at Easter.Finish Margaret River WA early May 2006.The MachineMagni M16: [
] can't wait to get started, 914 turbo.....How Can You Get InvolvedThere are a couple of ways you can get involved. - You have the opportunity to accompany us for any leg of the journey, by flying your gyro.- There may be the opportunity for you to make a donation to charity and then do a leg of the trip in the back seat.- We will have a web site up and running to show our progress, so you can follow the progress each day.- There may also be the opportunity to talk to the pilot and crew by mobile during the trip- If we are going to pass thru your area , do you know any local businesses who would like to sponsor part of the trip.- Do you know if anyone would want to film this trip. Let me know.How Can You HelpThis is going to be a team effort. I may be the one who came up with this crazy idea, but that was the easy part. The team I need to make it happen is as follows.Ground Vehicle Crew;Role: This role is to supply and drive the support vehicle. At this stage I anticipate only one support vehicle. This is going to be at times a fast and exhausting role, as when the weather is good we will be going for it.Positions: One vehicle: Position Filled 2 Crew Members: Positions Filled 2nd Support Vehicle: Open to offers 2nd Support Vehicle Crew: Open to offersMET/NAV Crew; Role: This role is to monitor the weather forecasts and to help plan the route, determine the most suitable flying times and cruising altitudes. Best if this crew has 24 hour web access. Need someone prepared to be up checking forecasts at all hours of the night. Good aviation meteorological background essential.Position: Nav/Met Crew: One Position AvailableMedia Crew Coordinator:Role: To plan and coordinate all media contact. This will involve co-coordinating local media involvement such as local radio and TV.I plan to meet with local media as I pass thru various population centers. I expect they would use this footage as an attention getter at the start of a news segment.If you have skills in this are a we could do with your help.Position: Media Crew Coordinator: One Position AvailableSponsorship Coordinator:Role: Sponsorship is going to be a very important part of this trip. This role is to get all this to happen. If you have skill in this are we need your help.Position: Sponsorship Coordinator: One Position AvailableWeb Site Crew:Role: To design and build a web site before the trip and the update the site on a daily basis with text a pictures, charting progress. This would also provide some interactive feedback.Anticipate to have the web pages up and going well before the actual flight so we can use it to generate interest within the gyro/ aviation community, as well as amongst schools etcPosition: Web Site Crew: One Position AvailableAltitude Record Coordinator:Role: At Biggenden the plan is to attempt some sort of altitude record. This needs to be set up. This will involve liaison with CASA, ASRA and other organizations. We also need to source the required hardware such as oxygen gear and any other equipment that is stipulated by CASA. I need some one to get the ball rolling with this. If you have the time and knowledge to have a go let us know.Position: Altitude Record Coordinator: One/or two Positions Available To Contact MeBest to send me an email via this site, but I can also be contacted AH on 0421 342 877RegardsRoss B[:0]
