Does anyone know the status of Wayne Morgan these days? Saw his tandem up for sale recently and was wondering if he is still training in Ballarat or has quit altogether? With Paul on hold, and Wayne maybe gone, do we have any up and coming Instructors in the 'Wings'? I have a open two seater almost up and running but am having trouble with the electrics on the EJ20. If I can sort it I might be interested in gaining an Instructor's Certificate. I wouldn't want to do it however if I am about to butt in on others' aspirations.Pete
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Instructors in Victoria
i asked the same question a while ago pete about any up and coming instrutors and it would seem there is not. As for Maddog i know he bought a harley i've seen the photos his goatte' is quite scary but i believe he may still be doing a little training?? dont quote me on that thou.matt
Pete After seeing you fly at Mt Beauty, I think you also need to purchase a Harley.Only Jokeing mate [], as Matt said "go for it " now you have the time, and machine it would only be a good thing for Vic, and the gyro movement here.Good Luck Mate Regards Sam [
Now therein lies the problem. Sure I lent the two-seater's instruments to someone like Fred a year or so back, but he won't own up. Apart from the instrument module, the rest of the gyro is ready for testing. Can someone please help convince him he should give them up.Pete
Nows there's a bulldust reply, if ever I heard one. There is no-one "like Fred". Unique. One of a kind. (like all Fred's). There is a local theory (I can't remember who came up with it, I'll have to think for a while) that if you ever get the 2 seater going, it'll cost you all of your "super" fund to buy fuel just to take the people for a ride that you've promised to take for a ride (in the 2 seater, that is). The other theory doing the rounds is that you've already taken these poor buggers "for a ride".Fred
See what a man has got to put up with down 'ere. For the record, Fred is a gyro pilot fortunate enough to have a gyro, lots of money, his own property with airstrip and reportedly two sets of instruments. Merry Christmas Fred....and everyone else on this forum as well.Pete
Hi all, this is my first post here, so be gentle with me. Re instructors, i did one flight with Wayne Morgan, but he will no longer be instructing, so i am also looking for an instructor.Pete if your stepping up to the plate let us know, as i am interested. Sam mentioned that Paul may be instructing again in the future, but not sure when that is.I agree with Des and Pete that Sam would make a great instructer, and would jump at the oportunity to fly with him, as they both said, "Instructor Material", although i don't think thats where he wants to head. Pete, where abouts are you situated.Regards Mike.
Hi Mike, It is a shame that we don't have any Victorian Instructors at the moment as this is just the best form of avaition going. Paul himself has written that he will be again training justs as soon as he is permitted, possibly after Easter.In relation to your question I have not taken it any further yet. The two seater should be running later this week but will be weeks before test flights, and months before I will be taking a passenger, and who knows if and when re instructing, so don't wait for me. If you are keen you might contact an interstate Instructor and negotiate a block of time with him to get you going. Good luck Mike.Pete
Thanks for the info Pete, on where your at re instructing. Guess i can wait for Paul later this year, as for the interstate instructors, i'm all out of leave at work so thats not an option for a while. Guess i will continue with trike training for now, till i see what happens with Paul. Confusing going from trike to gyro tho, stick is not to bad but ground steering is interesting.Re "Good luck Mike." Had a chuckle at this last bit of your message Pete, i definately need some of that, as so far my gyro flying record stands at 1 flight and 1 crash. I was in Mad Dog's gyro when it rolled last Saturday, my first ever gyro flight. On that note, good luck getting your 2 seater in the air. I think u mentioned u had some electrical problems, so i guess u have sorted out the gremlins.Mike