This snippet is just for the City folk among us that have been in their offices or driving their mercedes all day long. Being from the bush and not having the advantage of such a enviable lifestyle, I had to content myself with a 45 minute fly at luchtime today. Weather was balmy with light northerly blowing and skies clear though appeared to be building to the west with something in store tomorrow. Climbed out from the airport east to the Mitchell River and the Gippsland Lakes. Found the gyro to be in complete harmony with nature today at the selected power setting and able to completely fly hands off for about 10 minutes without any input at all. 'FanDancer' was continuing to climb gently at about 100 foot a minute until I took the controls back from nature at about 2500 feet asl. I had a view up there of much of the Gippsland Lakes and beyond to the 'Ninety Mile Beach' and ocean waters of Bass Strait. I was more than comfortable in the light jumper I was wearing and had it not been for an appointment I had to keep that afternoon, I could have easily continued my flight east to Lakes Entrance. Alas the realities of life had to be addressed and I turned back from whence I had come. Interestingly the northerly had kicked in a little more I guess and I needed to give cyclic input to maintain my course. Not being in a hurry I took the long way back to the north of Bairnsdale at two thousand and it was just a magic flight all the way round. After dropping down on the dead side of the circuit, I joined the circuit and finished the flight with ever so soft landing. After taxying back to the hangar and puting 'FanDancer' away till another day, I held the thought for a moment or two of those of you that can only yearn to be able to have a mid-week flight to break up the week-day blues. PeteBairnsdale,Vic.
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Aint Country Life Great
pete,You know while you were at luch I was driving my Mercedes... )*&)(**) van to work, now you've put this up I think you're a right ^(&)(&(*&*&(*^*^%&^$%%$^$#$^^)&^)&^%&^%(&^ kind of guy.I used to think you were a caring soul full of love, kindness and consideration for your fellow man, but as with all, the truth will out.AND YOU, MR BRUTAL.. I got paid for driving around in my van too.Nicholas TomlinAlarmist - - we scare for you
pete,You know while you were at luch I was driving my Mercedes... )*&)(**) van to work, now you've put this up I think you're a right ^(&)(&(*&*&(*^*^%&^$%%$^$#$^^)&^)&^%&^%(&^ kind of guy.I used to think you were a caring soul full of love, kindness and consideration for your fellow man, but as with all, the truth will out.AND YOU, MR BRUTAL.. I got paid for driving around in my van too.Nicholas TomlinAlarmist - - we scare for you
pete,You know while you were at luch I was driving my Mercedes... )*&)(**) van to work, now you've put this up I think you're a right ^(&)(&(*&*&(*^*^%&^$%%$^$#$^^)&^)&^%&^%(&^ kind of guy.I used to think you were a caring soul full of love, kindness and consideration for your fellow man, but as with all, the truth will out.AND YOU, MR BRUTAL.. I got paid for driving around in my van too.Nicholas TomlinAlarmist - - we scare for you