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Welcome to the fold, Skyhigh.I don"t personally know of any instructors in FNQ but I"m sure that someone will correct me if I am wrong.I am assuming that you have seen the instructors list at and the club listings at are governed by the rules and regs in our ops manual so all the relevant info is there.There is a history of gyros and lots of other info in the Technical Info page my knowledge, CASA doesn"t have a convenient collection of info for newcombers.That is the job of ASRA so if there is something of that nature that you can"t find, please post back and someone will answer your question.Failing that our OPS Manager ( see will be able to assist.I"m not sure who else is flying up that way (stick your hands up guys) but the best option will be to go and talk to them when they surface, have a look at them and their machines and decide from there.There are several training options available away from Cairns. We have at least 2 instructors on the east coast that operate flying schools on a full or semi-fulltime basis (again, put your hands up guys).Hope this gets you started.webbie
G"Day Skyhigh,Welcome to the journey.Get a student pack and sign up. Then get a couple of book out of the ASRA library wittten by Paul Bergen Abbott .(sp)? Flight manual of Gyro Plane and Introduction to Gyroplanes. Something like that.Keep pressing and get a TIF asap. Find instructors, yes instructors, not just one. One guy can be to busy and it can take a long time, so press on and have options.Enjoy the journey.Cheers,Mitch