Yep that worked.
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This Thread is Just a Tester
test 3
well, I don't have bookface, so I cannot choose something relevant that way using the paper clip symbol.
but something from the web
well, you cannot pick a picture on the gyrocopters in Australia site, as it just brings up flickerThe light craft, also known as gyroplanes, can be used legally to muster on a pilot’s own property or on another property with the permission of the landowner, but the service cannot be rented out for commercial gain. Helicopters are the aircraft most commonly used to muster livestock in Australia, with their operations overseen by the Civil Aviation Safety Authority. But the operators of gyrocopters cannot access the same licences and certifications that would enable the lighter craft to be used more widely.
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test 2
by clicking the camera symbol on the left, then clicking the upload box
2 Photos
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"words" I should of had in there before I mentioned my mate Justin's name. I was laughing that much I lost it.
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well that is new for me to have been put on a post without me even knowing about it, but then again it is a damn fine photo of me flying straight and level so I can understand why it was chosen. a picture paints a thousand Jussy. .
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testing posting a link from another thread, with the no preview thumbnail box checkedIm pretty sure that everyone is aware that all license and registrations are due on the 1st of January, 2017. Has anyone received an email reminder from ASRA
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Guest started a topic This Thread is Just a TesterThis Thread is Just a Tester
This is testing what happens when you link to another page within the forum
this is a standard copy/paste url:
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