M16 Trainer in action.Please witness a demonstration of the well balanced Magni M16 tandem trainer in France last year, it surely makes a vertical descent looks a bit different than the previous youtube footage circulated in the forum!
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Magni youtube video - vertical descent and controlled hovering displayed
Hi ColinNice video, seems this pilot is experienced and is able to handle the machine very well.There is one maneuver in the video were (1.38min) he exits his spiral at low speed and down wind (in high wind conditions). At that point his airspeed would be quite low, and subsequently during application of power the nose really drops suddenly (WHEEL BARROW TYPE MANEUVER). His recovery is then a quick right turn and hard back stick (defiantly not smooth compared to the rest of his display) I guess my question is, is the sudden bunt over an indication of a HTL machine flying at a high power setting, at very low speed? and the low speed inturn creating a situation were the machines Horizontal Stabilizer fails to produce the necessary compensating down force required?Just an observation Colin.http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_mbLqUDSh7QCheers SamL..................
it surely makes a vertical descent looks a bit different than the previous youtube footage circulated in the forum!If your talkn bout the bolke who virticaled into the ground Collin, the same thing woulda happened ina magni.You see, if you dont fly it, it will crash, no matter wot name is painted onit.
I think we need Colin to get Birdy behind the wheel ???????????And wot am i sposed to do with one of them hard mouthed magnis Brian?You cant do much more n S/L cruise ina magni.
I will never forget your quote re the Magni at Lameroo, I can still picture Bruce Layts face with the "gadget coat "I just thought if anyone could show Colin what a Magni might be able to do, you of all people Birdy would at least make it look elegant
The Magni pilot did the right thing, he recovered airspeed with an aggressive downward nose pitch while he had plenty of height it has to to be a controlled fluent movement over a few seconds coordinated with power once you obtained your desired attitude. I am sure that is what every gyro pilot is instructed or have I been taught the wrong things?I was taught attitude then throttle when transitioning to a decent is that all wrong?In the first sentence you talk about recovering airspeed requires an aggressive downward maneuver, while in the next sentence you mension "it should be a controlled fluent movement over a few seconds coordinated with power"All correctly executed aircraft maneuvers should be controlled and fluent !!!Yes during any slow speed maneuver, the correct recovery is ("APT" Attitude Power Trim)) lower the nose accelerate the gyroplane, apply power, exit the maneuver. This is different to all other which should be "PAT" Power Attitude Trim"The consequences of exiting a slow speed maneuver to aggressively (with a dive type maneuver) and applying power could be a "High Speed Flap" & the Magni having one of the heaviest blades and therefore possibly slowest to accelerate could be a real possibility.My initial question was never about right and wrong maneuvers, I simple wanted to know if what we saw was Aircraft induced, or Pilot induced?????
Sam term "aggressive" may be the wrong choice of word, what I meant is to get the nose pitched down faster and at a geater angle then you would normally if you were to do the same thing at 500 feet height instead 200 feet. I think you can be smooth on the controls but perform aggressive maneouvers. Maybe I should shut up because I might be using the wrong terminalogy which just creates confusion then I will end up arguing the same point with someone.
Riteo, had to hava a look at the fic, and cept for riskn the passengers neck, i couldnt see anythn dun rong. ???As for There is one maneuver in the video were (1.38min) Sam, i think its just an optical delusion.I didnt think the nose was droped much at all.And all this APT and PAT cr@p, WTF???? Instructers should be teachn the safe way is to SYNCHRONISE your power n pitch ina gyro, is it that hard to do?I grew up [ and lived to tell] ona very HTL machine do"n all sorts of low G **** below tree top, with n without power on. If your pulln maneuvers or flyn in crappy air or both, EVERY control input in relation to the stick pitch [ and roll] should be synchronised with power, relitive to the weight on your ass.If you dont have the feel yet, just keep things gentle n synchronised.