Latest "ERSA" is front covered by a microlight....................( predominantly issued for "GA" flyers ) "big brother"
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Isn't it "interesting"
Have you ever known a government to keep their greedy hands out of anyones pockets. Just look at your superanuation, the biggest rort that ever was.Grumbles Des Garvin. >:-Setting up for twilight yrs is a challenge...............the govt "super"............yea, don"t start me.Then you engage high profile investment "companies"....................then get real big time screwed ( "storm financial".....CBA bank fiasco).................that"s plundered the nest egg.Leaves about 2 choices...................stick your folding money under your mattress, or buy plots of dirt and sit on em for 30 yrs.Interesting thing here in Qld................we own plots of dirt, each plot we is charged
If you aim for nothing, you'll hit it every time
Grrrussy,if you have a little read of the ERSA instead of looking at the pretty picckys You would notice that there is an invitation to send in a picture of your flying machine for the cover of the next issue.....There may be a rule that the aircraft is screwed together before you take the photo;D ;DMark ;D ;D
Dont worry too much about it Grrrussy ole mate,Its like everything else in life, let the market decide! Our type of aviation will ultimately become more affordable over the GA rules, that is of course, if any of us can afford to fly in the next ten years!Ive been at the farmers NSW conference in Sydleney for the past week..... looks bad for simple cow growers. Seems that Burping cows make lots of methane......get used to eating bent necks.As usual birdy, is sitting on a fortune. :Mark.