I need sumone who knows how to source remote control bits n pices.Iv concluded [after 15 years :
] that a gyro is better off without ground support with "touchy" moos, cept for the gate shutn part.All spoiled and even sum of the "domesticated" mobs only see a ground based machine asa challenge, and the **** only hits the fan after i call them up.Keep the ground crew outa it till the gates shut isa breeze. But the timeing of the call, and the speed needed for the crew to slam it shut wont always be as slick as it [ bones] was the other day, so i need a way of closen the gate wen im ready, from the air.Sum sorta RC systm should be easy enuff. Hell, you can fly a heli or multi engined AC by remote, so closen a gate should be a sinch.