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weather reporting

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  • weather reporting

    You know i realise that this is a bit of an art, but seriously with all the techno stuff they got how the frig can you miss about 70mm of rain, here the story, i checked and double checked, the weather and radar reports to see if it was to be raining or if it was raining, nothing around where we were heading, but could have a drive through a few scattered showers on the way!!!!!!! WTFWell after dragging the van through some of the heaviest rain in ages, i thought it will finish soon, so then we be right, camped in the rain, woke up in the rain, drove in the rain, hit Winton, not raining ayy the end of it good, not so, drove through rain some more, then throw in a bit more rain cause you know the dust is a bit thick The sides of the single lane road is just great, you dont dare take more than 2 tyres off otherwise that is where your staying.Well the good news is it not raining this morning (yet), but the bad news is my machine is down a dirt road, with a dirt strip, and the sun not out yet, ohhhh and guess what it spossed to be raining on Wednesday.So sitting in Boulia waiting for the ground to dry out and we can get something planned. ohhh boy hold me back i"m showing some strenght so far, not gone to the pub yet

  • #2
    U know what they say..If you have time to spare... go by air.


    • #3
      Tell me about it. We had 65mm of rain over the past few days. All the roads are cut off, even the road


      • #4
        Tim,With that wind up your butt you could be here for a beer in bout 30 mins, ill pick you up from the main strip if you want


        • #5
          Gawd, ya winjn buncha sooks.Startn t sound like me. Left ere last sundy, in shorts n sleavless.Looked at the sites mundy, tuesdy, wensdy, rained in thursdy, got halfway home fridy but rained in agin, [ and the MF went to town t pick up the oldys, so now theres noone home], still rained in satdy, dashed ome sundy.Still cold as me muminlaw.The simpson surgen is haven a ball, and im stuck in me shed.Anyone remember wot the sun looks like, and where its sposed t be?Global warmn my ass. >


          • #6
            Global warmn my ass. >So, who"s this "Global" bloke? Sounds like a close friend.Graeme.

