I reckon the Oz easter flyin weekend will become me anual holiday now.I'v been to two flyins now and both have been very worth while events for meeting alot of good, switched on gyronaughts.[
]The array of machines is an education and there was no shortage of answers from people who know.Well worth the white knuckle trip down in one of them big tin birds[}
].To Stan and the rest of the Snowy crew, thanx for a top weekend, even the weather was good, I could still fly in me official fly'n boots.[ and the big fella, I think his name was Neil, you did a lousy impersonation of a natzi.]ASRA delivered again as usual with all the clearances needed for gyros to fly at a strip, the size of witch I'v never seen before[:0].I caught up with a few more forum mates too,likeTim Mc,[I owe you a hangover too[
]]Hoges, who had the only RAF[
].Ken W.,[I'll resist any comments][}
]Mark H., [shame your gyro couldn't make the trip, and you realy should read some real stories to the kids mate[
)].]Jeff N, with his impressive blue machine[
].Echo, you could have at least bought down the scooter mate.[V]Ozzy, wot can I say, no supprise, just as crazy as his forum posts.[
][ wunder if that roo has stopped yet?]Any others I'v missed I'm sorry but I'll be remember'n you next time, I'v just got a lousy memory for manes. Thanx for mak'n it a top weekend for all.I'd like to make a special mention of thanx and appresiation to Mitch, for allow'n me to fly his pride n joy, the butterfly, over the weekend. An excelant little machine with alot of pertential, well built and when you get some good blades for it, you'll be king of the sky, coz those ones your fly'n now will teach you alot bout rotor management.Thanx again mate.To Allan, [I won't say anything bout your little fuel problem on this public forum mate] Thanx for lett'n me fly your [ long legged] machine too, Impressive performance and I'm glad it never fell over on me.[ you can have the G force thingy.]Also, thanx to Mitch, Allan and Vin Cross for driv'n me round, you blokes made me feel like a blooby king.Thanx too, for all the other offers of machines, I'm sorry it was only two days, I coulda flown round in a different machine every day for a week. Your apparent confidence in me is overwhelming. Easter next year???, blood oath, with bells n wistles.[ and mebe a ferel.[}
]] Ignorance is bliss............but only till you realise you were.Ingratitude stinks.......be generous carefully.
