I'm looking for contacts while I'm tripping around N.T and Queensland over the June July months towing a Gyro .My trip will be ex Gove through to Tennent creek,Cloncurry ,Winton ,Bioela,Bunderberg (To visit the rum meca)Catch up with Murray Barker in caboolture then back to Cairns ,return to Tennent and Gove.We're calling it a working holiday,probably not a lot of work,but it helps to stop thinkin that we're just bludging.It would be good to meet the faces to some of the names and as most probably live in isolation like me , good chance to do some thing different.RegardsDave Ellis 1002 Gove N.T
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Trippin around QLD
Russell, As you say , gods country , but sometimes you gotta go away to keep smilin'.Considering that I'm from nth qld ,pity it's gonna be freezing down there ,makes the heart grow fonder.Like the idea of the flying safari , if it on for next year, I'll put my name in,should be able to fly over from here. Dave EllisGove.
Davo, Don't worry about Russell, he's simply suffering delusions of grandure. Heat stroke more likely. Qld has more to offer than that dried up horse paddock they call NT. God's country he alluded to, is not the NT. With an over grown swamp in the north and its uranium mine nearby, to the tiny rock down south, and a desert to the west and south. Fuel prices bigger than some small country's GDP, mozzies the size of small gyro's (and just as noisy). Hell its no bloody wonder they can all out drink a fish.....[][
]Wet and moudly one half of the year and burnt to a crisp the other. What sort of life is that???And Davo, when you come bring Russell with you. The bloke needs a real holiday.[
]Ted - Qld's ambassador for Tourism
Duno wot you clowns are on about with these fales claims of liv'n in gods country, coz theres only one gods country, and thats ere, and nun o you blokes are ere.Why is this gods country??Coz only gods are alowd to dwell ere, and you ain't a god, so p1ss off.Ignorance is bliss............but only till you realise you were.You can always get the answer you want, if you ask enough experts.
Your god's obviosly very confused Ted, all the 'enlightened' gods live over ere.[ only a god could survive in 48c in summer n -11c in winter, not need any rain for 5 years, not be sent outa their minds by the millions o flies, and still love it.]Ignorance is bliss............but only till you realise you were.You can always get the answer you want, if you ask enough experts.
Any way, now that you mob have sorted out where god's country is supposed to be, I decided to let the cat out of the bag or throw it overboard, he gets one of them package deals and comes over here to gove to rest up , so no telling ,don't want every clown here.Being a bit spoilt up here for temperatures , where can you get you of those freezer suits from or does any one have second hander their wanting to part with?Dave EllisGove.