An interesting read .. I"ve got an old mate who spent his working life with the Ford Motor Company, mainly as a
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This bloke may be right.
I think Graeme that thanks to the power of the internet and your beloved face book that young educated people (and some old ones) all over the world are starting to think the same thoughts, that war and many politicians are bull s#%t and due to a change in collective consciousness we may not have another world war. If we think positive we may create a better future. (we become our thoughts) - quantum physics. Max (The optimist)
Well, im go"n to chuck a cat in.It"s time to ask the hard question, - is something wrong with Australia?Nuthn rong with Oz.Its the modern Oz person that"s at fault.Its generaly summed up by " liven beyond our means", and expect sumone else to pay for it.Why do companies go over seas?Coz labour is cheaper.IOW, we are too expencive to hire, coz we have come to expect more than we are worth. [ where else in the world dose an employer have to pay staff more wen they aint workn?]
Got to disagree Max. It"s that particular type of technology that"s making them dumber. Car manufacturers no longer supply spare wheels with their cars because "people don"t know how to change them". We are dumbing ourselves down. People don"t want live exports, the same people that order a steak at a restaurant but who have never killed, skinned or cut up anything. People who are so far removed from our evolutionary path that they rely on others to supply their basic, water ,shelter. They can programme a computer, shuffle paper , look important , but couldn"t survive without a supermarket. When you have teachers trying to make the classroom paperless and the telling the kids to print it out at home to save the environment, and then leaving the schools Ipads on constant charge, not realizing that they are run on energy from coal, then we need a big shake up. We have idiots putting up solr panels everywhere to save the environment, trouble is they a generating power when we least need it and there is no storage system on the grid. An adequate base load always has to be generated and so it is. Their solar makes no difference to what is generated.
People who are so far removed from our evolutionary path that they rely on others to supply their basic, water ,shelter.zactly.We have idiots putting up solr panels everywhere to save the environment, trouble is they a generating power when we least need it and there is no storage system on the gridAnd if these idiots had halfa brain, theyd know that the average solar panel will need 25 years of constant sunlight [ over 50 years] to produce the same amount of energy it took to make it in the first place. Add to that, most people will always pick the much cheaper ones from China, and iv got sum ere that are only 4 years old, and delaminating already, so they wont make 10 years, never mind 50.So, in the short term, they are actualy addn to the pollution they are so scared of, and coz they are tightasses, they by cheap **** that will need replacen in less than 10 years.The original ones me ol man got are over 35 years old, and good as the day they got ere.
How"s those turncoats in Canberra? Wouldn"t like to be in the trench"s with the ALP. They seem to stab anyone and everyone in the back. It will be interesting to see if the voters memories are short if Rudd makes it. I hope the population of OZ is not that dumb in September. I cant afford another 4 years of idiots. Cattle industry is stuffed and can"t recover now. The whole farming industry is next. Hope the voters remember who they need to grow their food!
I hope the population of OZ is not that dumb in SeptemberDon"t hold ya breath.The sooner the voters/guvment sinks this country into a proper depression, instead of delayn the inevitable, the better.And mate, wont they be bitchn then.
Cant wate.
Agree, they need to learn a lesson. They should have all went bust years ago instead of being allowed to live on credit. They"ll blame everyone except themselves. I know they are jealous of folks like us Birdy. Just hope those socialists don"t decide to come and take everything off us to share with all the useless bastards. Check. out this facebook page.. Tony Abbott will not be Prime Minister. I made a comment on there and they banned me. All I said was that if you start a page like this you should have the guts to put your name to it
They should have all went bust years ago instead of being allowed to live on credit.Mate, I have no problem with idiots dign credit holes they cant get out of. That"s a risk they choose.The only ones who [should] loose out are the ones who took the risk that was too big, and the ones who throught they were ona winner [ crediter].Wot im pissedoff about is wen these two parties go down, the stupid tax payer is sposed to bail um out.F***n socialism, its only a communist systm desigened by a uni educated moron, with no grasp of the real world.
I can"t wait till it all turns to crap and we have to start killing each other for food ... at least then life will start making sense again.Ok please read the above statement with a grain of salt.I"m with you all on voting a better government into power but show me one worth their salt.No party I know will make the choices needed . too many minority groups to please. Heck some of them they are not so minority now We have bred a country full of people who think they deserve something for nothing. I believe it started when the government took control of welfare and took the responsibility away from the families and churches.We have bred a country full of people who think " it"ll be alright , have a beer and cheer up ya mug." We are so much softer on alcohol and drug related crime than we should be.Nothing seems to have consequenses anymore. and "if it does it was surely someone elses fault for letting it happen" why should it be a bartenders fault if you get drunk and kill someone in your car? or the teachers at school responsible for stopping little johnny from selling drugs We have bred a people who are so disconnected with the reality of life you just shake your head in despair. What other country allows foreign entities to buy up its assests,utilities,