G'Day Gents,This will save me some time emailing interested parties.Drawings are self explanatory. Couple of things to note.1.Stones should have a good base and face. 2.Where possible cross all vertical joints as each lift is actioned. This is not always possible with random laid work, so endeavour to cross long vertical joints several times within the walls full height.3.Rubble rock laid in behind face stone, should where possible be laid in behind two face stones, thereby crossing the joint, this stops cracks transitioning through the wall.Please note drawings should indicate a damp cousre placed on footing or foundation walls prior to laying up wall.Image Insert:
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43.7 KBNote foam control joint left of pic. Also timber measuring stick. If your form board is straight and 90 degree vertical, then measuring stick gives quick reference off face of baord to front face of stone.Rubber mallet for tapping stones down on bed and I have always used rubber gloves as I rarely use trowel, although they come in handy for slushing mortar into joints as you lay up the stone. You can use a gloved hand, held in front face of joint and use gloved fingers to push mortar down into joint from above. Caution: if you use your hands without glove protection you will get concrete burns to the tips of your fingers, this is painfull.Image Insert:
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48.87 KBwww.thebutterflyllc.com