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Under the dome......

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  • Under the dome......

    Does anyone watch under the dome? I am just wondering if anyone else has noticed from day 1 that the aeroplane clearly hits the OUTSIDE of the (impenetrable) dome when it just appears (invisibly) however, the wreckage and arms and legs all fall INSIDE the dome

  • #2
    ha ha muz, I don"t watch the dome but I do like finding things like that too.


    • #3
      Yeah, it is amazing what tv and film producers will let go (or don"t see), like the plane on the dome..... it is on tonight, always in the opening sequence the plane flys from left to right and hits the outside of the dome, you can see the explosion wrapping around the outside of the dome, yet the wreckage falls inside.... now I see for the next series, the dome becomes magnetic.... and therefore the brass bell is attracted to the magnet


      • #4
        So often you see the boom mike pop into the top of a shot, the red safety barrel plug in guns, the wrong sound effect for the type of gun and what really makes me laugh, is when someone says "stick ém up" and racks their revolver.... when the person moves, they rack it again (to remind them not to move) and when racking their revolver (with pump shotty sound) no bullets fall from the twice racked gun


        • #5
          Maybe 1911


          • #6
            back in the days of "hey hey it"s Saturday" they had the segment of sending in finding the bloopers. you would of cleaned up muz.


            • #7
              Graeme, if you have no round in the spout of a semi auto pistol, you rack the slide and it loads a round into the breech, if you rack it again, it will eject the round in the chamber and put in a new round, so when on TV or movies, they rack the gun again, (a reminder racking) then a complete round should drop out.... then I was making fun of the racking sound effect (of a shot gun) when the gun involved is actually a revolver or a bolt action rifle (which you cant rack) :PWhilst on the subject of guns, I have an idea for a new type of holster to keep your hand gun well supported, safe and handy.... I was thinking of trying to patent it? What do you think? Worth looking into?


              • #8
                see now that one slipped passed you muz, if that photo was real her shoulder straps would be cutting into her bone. uhmmn !!! bone.


                • #9



                  • #10
                    I"m pretty sure Munro was refern to the word revolver Muz.But, on the subject of crappy modern movies for the brain dead viewer market, (007) I can"t watch the ****.Like a turbine heli fallen out the back of a cargo plane, then the dic wad is tryn to start it, with the sound effects of crankn a motorcar, and wen it dose start, the blades just spin up like normal, despite fallen at terminal vilosity, then the engine sound changes to a spitfire ina nose dive.I"m not the sharpest tool, but I find it hard to get hard with these modern flix.


                    • #11
                      Like a turbine heli fallen out the back of a cargo plane, then the dic wad is tryn to start it, with the sound effects of crankn a motorcar, and wen it dose start, the blades just spin up like normal, despite fallen at terminal vilosity, then the engine sound changes to a spitfire ina nose ;D


                      • #12
                        I"m pretty sure Munro was refern to the word revolver Muz.But, on the subject of crappy modern movies for the brain dead viewer market, (007) I can"t watch the ****.Like a turbine heli fallen out the back of a cargo plane, then the dic wad is tryn to start it, with the sound effects of crankn a motorcar, and wen it dose start, the blades just spin up like normal, despite fallen at terminal vilosity, then the engine sound changes to a spitfire ina nose dive.I"m not the sharpest tool, but I find it hard to get hard with these modern flix.Your watching the wrong type of movies if you want to get hard.
                        Remember: no matter where you go, there you are


                        • #13
                          I reckon the best modern movie would be one about Birdys adventures.....I can just imagine it..... he would say "the names" Birdy, Dave Birdy" (real cool and suave, with new thongs on and a new singlet) Then he would step into his gyro and take off with the sound effect of a formula 1 car, then do a fly by with the sound effect of a fighter jet at mack 9


                          • #14
                            I"m pretty sure Munro was refern to the word revolver Muz.Hey, if you can rack a 22 bolt action, you can definitely rack a revolver


                            • #15
                              geez your right muzz your

