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One for Muz...
Thanks for that Paul. Yes it is a strange lake.... for most of it you can see fence post tops sticking out of the water right across it, but it is very desceptive. The water may be shallow, but the crust that we walk on near or in the water is only abpot as thick as a wheat bix and if you put a foot thru it, you cant feel the bottom.... it is like a highly compressed peat bog. I remember years back, some shooters asked a farmer on the east side of the lake if they could shoot a couple of deer.... the farmer told them to F@k off.... so they waited til night fall and tried to row a dingy around to the shore and get in this way, however, the wind was up, which causes big waves.... the boat tipped over and the guys drowned because they couldn"t stand up in the water, as their feet went thru the submerged crust.... they got stuck in a couple of feet of water. The mud is so sticky.... if you walk thru the mud, you slowly get taller as the mud builds up under your feet.... until you cant move your feet at all from the weight of the mud stuck on them.In the pics, the red circle is where the strip was that I flew from and kept my machine in an old sheering shed.... the yellow circle is where the shooters tried to get to to nab a deer. Our strip at the lake was just above the red tear shaped map marker.... next to the highway. In westerly winds, we used to have to be careful of the wind rotors off the escarpment.... in an easterly, it was great fun blasting down the valleys of the escarpment.... was a great place to fly... the entire surface of the lake was like a billiard table.... smooth as as far as the eye could see, nearly.... until the hills
Birdy, the lake was notorious for rumours of loch ness monsters and water vanishing over night it disappeared and returned so quickly..... the lake is in fact exactly like your dams.... it is just a shallow divot out of the landscape which has about 3 different creeks feeding into it, but none out of it. Because it is so shallow and long and wide, the water evaporates very quickly.... so the water vanishes rapidly.... and any time it rains even miles up the tributaries.... the water returns without it even raining over the lake area.... Also, it gets very foggy (as in the pic) and looks very eerie.... so people thought it was haunted.... monsters in it.... something was stealing the water... they looked for underground rivers at the south end trying to explain where the water was disappearing to so quickly...then they just worked out it was evaporation and there is only about 4" of rise from one end of the lake to the other.... so if the level drops a couple of inches.... that empties the top half of the lake
the pics are Gunning in the red circle where I lived and the yellow circle is the strip I used to fly out of, and the other one is closer up of the strip in the yellow box is the strip and the red circle is the old sheering shed I used to leave my machine in. was nice and close to home and the lake.... and there was telephone towers to follow to and from as guides. One thing that was a bit of an issue flying off the lake, was that as the fences rotted away, short lengths of fencing wire would end up all over the place. Active strips on the lake, we had to walk and pick up wire and things so they don"t end up in propellers....