Herbie & Harry were good mates having a game of golf when they got stuck behind these two women who were spending most of their time talking & stuffing about rather than play golf. This went on hole after hole. Herbie said to Harry, "Why don"t you go up to them & ask if we can play through, then they can stay there all afternoon if they want." So Harry went for a walk up to the ladies but when he got quite close, he turned around & came back without saying a word to them. Herbie asked him why he didn"t speak to them. Harry said, "I can"t go & talk to them, one is my mistress & the other is my wife. You go & talk to them." So Herbie went for a walk up to talk to them, he got quite close also, then came back again. "Why did you come back?" asked Harry. Herbie said, "**** it"s a small world isn"t it."Aussie Paul.