Picked up a Sigma
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Bike Computer.
I reckon a rotor tacho is a good thing and you will soon learn to use it. I find in tight spots that by knowing exactly what revs I have, I know exactly when I can give it full rip without flapping the blades.Its interesting seeing what the revs are doing in the air as well when you are doing different things.
Greg,1666 is correct for km/h speed setting on the computer, ie, if you have set your computer to km/h then the number is 1666...I didn"t do the calcs for mph, brain doesn"t work that way unless I chip it down...I was trying to recall why it has to be 1666 - that is the tyre circumference in mm to convert to RRPM1 km/h = 1000m in 60 mins, or 1 000 000 mm in 60 mins [ don"t forget it is rotor revs per "minute"], so 1,000,000/60 = 16666.666 - is out by a factor of 10 - but! your speedo will probably display the low speeds as a decimal value of the speed in 10"s of km/h, so we divide the 16666.6666 by 10 to get 1666, or probably more accurately 1667. If the circumference is input in cm you may change this to 167 to get near the same result.** ah! now I remember, you use 1667 and the speed will display as 33.3 km/h on the speedo for 333 RRPM - that is how it worked, where the speed is 1/10 of what it actually is - this is for a liam computer.. but if you think of it, not many bikes have a rim size if 16666 mm. **Now - miles per hour...?? how many inches are there in a mile???
Well done Nick!I input the 1666 value already for km/h, I shall see how that works.Looks like my 503 EMS Stratomaster smart single instrument may still function. Least ways it lights up, with power. The original ASX-1 was smashed, in the you know what.I"m going to wire it all in today, get an engine test run happening and see where I go from there.Not far off now Nick. These pics show the Sigma Unit, twists and locks into its cradle which I mounted on the face plate ran the wire back into the panel directly underneath the unit.Thanks Nick.Merry Christmas.Mitch.