I noticed on googlemaps that the old aeroplane at Memorial Park in Tauranga had gone, so I looked into where it had gone and where it is now. I came across the site for all of the Harvards and their whereabouts. The plane was mounted so kids could climb in and over it in relative safety (for
No announcement yet.
Harvard NZ980
There is a Spitfire on a pedestal outside Christchurch Airport. Some time ago it was removed for restoration, and has been replaced by a good mockup.Had a great day at Warbirds over Wanaka. A Mustang, a Spitfire a Corsair and a Kitty hawk parked 15 feet from the fence. The joy of those 12 cylinders leaping to life. And helicopters and a gyro gave a demonstration. Not sure what it was, as I did not see it after it landed. Well worth a visit, as the strip is small, and the action is close.Graham
Yeah, there used to be a lot of planes mounted as airport "gate keepers" many have been removed, hopefully for rebuilding to flight worthy. What really bought a tear to my eye was when all of our F111 Skyhawkes got buried:"(I must go back to visit NZ one day, want to go to Wanika and evidently you can go and drive a tank near there too.... that would be a blast (especially if it is loaded)
Interesting from the Harvard list, that a few of the ex NZ Harvards are airworthy and flying here in OzIn about 1978 when I was flying at Tauranga airport, 4 Harvards were found in storage, all greased up, in a farmers shed, 3 of them were made flight ready and flew into Tauranga airport.... the last one had been cannibalised to get the other 3 flying and was trucked out. Was fantastic when the 3 flew in, we could hear them, but couldn"t see them..... until they came across the airfield at about wingspan height and nearly took the roof off of the Tauranga Aero Club building, sitting on the small rise it is on
There"s an ex RNZAF Harvard here in Darwin M.M. He comes to the same fly-in as I go in Aug. Made me cry when he was checking the fuel and threw away .3 of a bucket of petrol. The Prat and Whitney engine sounds like sweet music. I think it"s for sale for a low price. Prob. due for a lot of work.