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Workn gyros.
I see what you mean about not having a pod.Yup, its frustrateing wen you try to explain the negatives of anythn that reduces your clear view.Try telln an R22 driver that he misses um coz he cant see um.They go strate on the defencive, thinkn your sayn your better than them. Well, think bout it d**head, if you cant see um, you cant get um.But i can see um.Yeh, you see the ones you can see. But you dont know bout the ones you didnt see.Its not till you spend time ina cab or pod, after be"n out in the open, that you realise who much you cant see.Im not sayn i never miss any, coz i know i do, but my periferal area of view isnt blocked out, and 50% of the critters that are hiden are not where your lookn.I wont start on the safety bit tho.Pods are good for cruisen, but thats all.
Hey Birdy, clean ya camera lens - there is a big bug splattered in the centre - ya picked him as you departed from the low level river run on the previous clip - goin to work. there been bug guts on the wasa windscreen for what? 3 years now Birdy?? and that is only the length of time I have known it was there