Here is a few from Natfly at Temora. A really good turn out of gyros and from talking to a number of plank flyers got some very positive feed back about the number and quality of gyros present. Matt
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Natfly 2011
Hi gents.Great Natfly and a great opportunity for us gyro-pilots to show case gyroplanes. And yes we ALL did that very well. Big congratulations and thank you to all those who attended and displayed aircraft. Also a big thank you to all those who simply showed up and helped promote both ASRA and gyroplanes in general.Below a few of the pics I tookEnjoyRegards SamL.................
For me it was great to see my old Mates ( you all know who you are) and get to know a few new folk.Big thanks to Matty Gleeson for helping me with Butterfly related logistics and just being a staunch mate and to Al for his ongoing support and friendship.Another big thank you goes out to Echo and Vicki, salt of the earth folk, hospitable and fun to be around. I have quite a bit of unrelated stuff to work through over the next 18 months or so and will only be posting on the Butterfly forum as required when we have new product or something of interest to post there.As always, I remain a dedicated ASRA member and can be contacted by phone or email. Refer Butterfly Section for details.I wish you all a safe and fun flying year ahead.Best Regards.Mitch.