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  • help

    Have a near new digital camera, takes fantastic shots, but when I hook into this computor with the camera, or I download them into the computor, the images take up the entire screen and more. Now when I try to edit the shots to a smaller size to send to forum etc etc,reducing them is like refocasing onto the central area of the shot, all the outer parts of the shot get sacrifised.....wats going on. Would love to share gyros,pigs,buffs,crocs and more with you all,but it aint happening[]Russ....A1014 NT....gods country

  • #2
    Russ,this is what I do with XP, could be easier way but here goes.right click photo > Open With > Photo Editing Software > on toolbar click edit > Image size > keep your width less then 700 pixels > OK > save as > reduce your quality to get final image KB below 80 for forum.Cheers,Phil YoungGunningbland


    • #3
      Russ,Try this if you are specifically taking shots for posting and don't really need the high resolution stuff, go into menu on your camera, there is a place where you can set the resolution for the camera to operate at, choose lowest resolution which will put most of your pics at about 70-75KB. Note that on many cameras when you turn them off they will re-set back to the high res when next you use it.Cheers,


      • #4
        Russell,To give you an idea, a 1.2 mega pixel photo takes about 600k of resolution, a VGA shot about 100k, so no matter what reolution you use it will not fit on the page for the web site - limit of 90k from memory.You could use phil#347; trick and reduce the size by reducing the quality. The other thing is to do a screen capture, save it and then post it.Cheers,Nick.


        • #5
          Mine must be bloody Magic!!! Lucky me. My cheap Olympus does exactly what I posted above dosen't even have Linus or that other program Nicks always pushin. Hi


          • #6
            Greg, what make and model camera are you using ??BrianYou never know how far you can go, till you get there !


            • #7
              Greg,Hello to you.Here is a thought - the fact that it was as you put it ´cheap´ may mean it works on very low res anyway, hence no need to do anything, where as russ may have bought a top end camera with no low end resolution, hence his problems in getting it to do low res... mine only does vga, 1.2, 2.8, 3.2 and 5.0 megapixels, none of which will load onto the asra site, this could be his problem.Cheers,Nick.


              • #8
                Brian,Olympus Camedia Digital Camera. D-540 Zoom 3.2 Megapixel 3 X Optical, 10 X Digital zoom QuickTime movie capability ...short vids no sound. Picture card xD Compatible. Auto USB Connect.Approx $250 new. The whole system is a snack to use, the Camedia software is very user friendly for Pc illiterates like myself.Cheers,Mitch.Hey Nick,Just having some fun ole Mate, you'd know more about all this high tech crap than me. What's vga?Cheers,


                • #9
                  Greg,VGA = video graphics adapter, the usual standard for vhs video cameras and / or the old computer display screens - about Windows 3.1, before SVGA, XVGA, RIVA TNT and all that stuff started to get trotted out, you might see your screen setup on the computer, it refers to 640 x 480 resolution, ie, VGA or there abouts.Some might colloquially refer to it as a mneumonic for viagra...Cheers,Nick.


                  • #10
                    good thread guys i now see why i can't get photos posted. the lurking is so worthwhile.matt


                    • #11
                      Russell, this is what I do, step by step.1) Take the photo, and save it to your computer, regardless what Mega Pic's.2) Open the picture regardless the size on screen.3) Right click, and press EDIT.4) The pic should come up in the paint program, pic now being even bigger.5) Press IMAGE button, then STRECH/SKEW.6) Change the HORIZONTAL setting to a smaller figure than 100%, say 30%.7) Change the VERTICAL setting to the same setting as what was imputted fot HORIZONTAL. ie: 30%.8) Now press OK. The pic will shrink to 30% its origional size.9) Now to check it is smaller than 90 KB I hit FILE then hit SEND.10)It will attach the pic to an email, ready for sending, and will show its size in KB.11)If this is not under 90 KB, then go back to step 6 until it is.12)If it is smaller than 90 KB now you can close this email.13)Hit FILE again, then SAVE AS, and save were ever you like.14)The pic is now ready to be posted onto this site.This method can also be used to increase the size of small pic's.Good Luck !!!!!!!!!!Regards Sam [][][][]


                      • #12
                        I owe you guys big time........thanksRuss....A1014 NT....gods countryNow have to wait till gyro is back into the air with new engine, then you will see some death defying shots, dem crocs hate getin buzed reeeel close, barstids get a tad agro, as do dem buffs, pigs just run like hell[]


                        • #13
                          OK ..I have a dumb question fer ya ...I tried to upload a pic that was 51.2k in size and when i was done , i went back to my post and it just has a " broken picture" icon there ( thats what my son called it ) so i edited my post and tried uploading it again.... same thing...what am i doing wrong ? Bob....." Momm'a alwayse told me , Son the impossable is only a little bit Harder... and ya know I do believe She was RIGHT ! "


                          • #14
                            Howdy BobSame thing happins to me when tryed to post pix.So I went to the FAQ menue and it tells me I can't for security resons. I did ask whynot but have gottin no responce.Cheers BubbaSonnyIntelligence is not a privilege,it is a gift and should be used for the good of mankind.


                            • #15
                              Ahhh thanks Sonny ! probly trying to keep all the yank trash out'a the works ! heheeheh hope it works !guess I'll give up postin pics then ! , not that important ! thanks again buddy !Bob.." Momm'a alwayse told me , Son the impossable is only a little bit Harder... and ya know I do believe She was RIGHT ! "

