Yep, I have made plenty of mistakes, thank God they were picked up in time or had enough instinct to rescue the situation ! I would never encourage anyone to copy landing / taking off with such limited clearance, just way too many things that can go wrong . I count myself as very fortunate to have spent so many hours down low & have come out of it relatively unscathed but I know of a couple of extremely talented pilots who got caught & paid for it with their lives !
Thats a excellent statement Tim.
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narrow strip.
Your write Tim. Wish i could only count my flying mistakes on 1 hand.But i need several hands. Trouble is my last mistake is costing me mega bucks
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The bloke who never made a mistake never made or achieved anything! Or those of us who claim to have never made a mistake (or done something wrong) in a gyro is about as fairdinkum as the man who claimed he had 3 torches and 2 sons, and they all worked.
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officially or what is common knowledge ???? oh great pilot who is now normal with the rest of us mortals..
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Thanks for ur wisedom Oh guru of streightness & levelness. And how many times have u crashed, again?
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well like I say now you know how to do that, don't do that again
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I'm still trying to be be 1 of them real pilots. We all know how that worked out about 3 weeks ago
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I've heard it before , I'm just shocked to read it on the forum..
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Yes i remember triming a tree with my rotors once.Bloody stubborn bull!
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BRIAN !!!!!. I'm shocked. my rotars were over the top of the trees . yes your the winner with one.
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I do re call back in the early days in the open framed EA 81 when only place to put down was on a track with wall to wall mallee either side. Trees would have been 20 feet high or so & in most places actually formed a verandah over the track. There were a few places where the mallee opened up a bit & it was one of these spots where once I took off & got up max airspeed [ 2 or 3 foot off the ground ] with a meter or so clearance either side of the rotors ] that I had to climb through. It worked but certainly exciting & not recommended practice !
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Dunno, I find flying fun without the excitement of a challenge but then I have probably had / done plenty of things one should never do to last a few lifetimes.
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