G"Day Gents,To those who missed it on Rotor"s forum....Cloud Dancer gyroplane.Check it out at www.rotortec.comMitch.
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Cloud Dancer Gyroplane Full British Certification. From Rotortec.
dg2829,They are real aircraft, not "toys".I agree the price will hold many back, However, with the introduction of the Xenon and Firebird etc, I believe more fixed wing guys will crossover and then the single fully enclosed gyro may get a look in. I truely believe this type of aircraft will always sell well in Europe"s
G"Day David,I realise it was probably intended to be so.....However, IMHO, we (ASRA Membership) need to be more aware of the "perception" out there in the world of aviation, that gyro"s are just "toys". Or that an ultralight X-Air is a "toy". How do we encourage growth in the sport of experimental aviation if we keep referring to these aircraft as "toys"?Want to hazzard a guess at the thrustline David?I"ll post a schematic of the hangtest on the Cloud Dancer tomorrow.Cheers,Mitch