Well just finished off the licence of the owner of the latest inferior (just for you chopper)European machine to hit the country.Left Ch twrs 10am Wednesday got to brissy on Thursday morn just in time to pick the machine up as the freight company opened, loaded it on the trailer, headed for longreach, arrived at 12pm friday, a total of about 4000km in 50hrs.By 8pm Friday night the machine was unpacked,reassembled, radios fitted ready for test flight first thing next morning.test flying done, it was joyflighting time for family and friends before they had to leave, then we started Adrian"s licence, 9 hrs were done here(most of that focusing on rudder work) :-*, then solo this morning, followed by another 1.5 hrs flight before lunch, a fly in the morning then i head for home.Photos to come, help Adrian
, cause my camera broken....Edit fixed my days, forgot what day it was
