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Video of crash on take-off (MT03 in the UK)

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  • firefly
    Maybe it is a good idea to modify the review times if the hours flown and the incident/accident occurrences coincide..... Well that is if everyone reported their hours flown. They would have to be specific reviews added to the normal flight reviews that currently stand.

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  • Ken Watson
    It doesn"t matter how much you instruct people you cant allow for their own stupidity. Just look at drivers on the road. Some people just dont get it and some never will. Even though lots of people can drive, their skill levels vary greatly. Ted down the road may drive alright, but he may be no Peter Brock. Even he made a mistake of judgement. Mistakes happen and we need to get used to it. Ken

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  • Russell
    No instructor wishes to see or hear of an incident that involved "his" student..........ever.....and i mean....EVERThere is some merit in a 2nd instructor co/ signing off etc, but this is fraught with poss probs.The "now" in place instructor "refresher" courses, i think is a damn good idea. Be real careful intimating "blame" directed towards "instruction"

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  • Des Garvin
    Ok reading this thread in its fullness, a serious question has come to mind.

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  • Russell
    Kym.................still waiting mate.

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  • GraemeMonro
    Aw, come on Bones..... your getting a little picky arn"t you.

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  • bones
    Mark, Why on earth would you want to fly a marginal machine. If the instructors were doing their job there would be no need. If there is a problen then don"t sign him off.Do you drive a marginal car for the hell of it?

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  • birdy
    Yeehar, its me bestest mate kimberly agin.

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  • Russell
    Mark, Why on earth would you want to fly a marginal machine. If the instructors were doing their job there would be no need. If there is a problen then don"t sign him off.Do you drive a marginal car for the hell of it?

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  • asra
    KymRead my post again.The bloke holds a nose high attitude and expects the gyro to climb without adequate airspeed. Also shortfield, two up, fuel load unknown and down wind take-off. Marginal machines reinforce so much of the basics of flying a gyro.Ross B

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  • yoshi
    Tis better to remain quiet and be thought a fool, than to open your mouth and remove all doubt.A timely bit of advice for some around here. Im with you Ross and Mark, understanding marginal machines seems perfectly relevant to me.CheersDarren

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  • bosca
    Mark, Why on earth would you want to fly a marginal machine. If the instructors were doing their job there would be no need. If there is a problen then don"t sign him off.Do you drive a marginal car for the hell of it?

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  • Disco

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  • Mark Horan
    Deano,its no fun knowing that you just have to sqirt on more power to get yourself out of trouble!When you are flying something that climbs into the wind and descends down wind, it makes you start thinking where you might find enough lift to get back to the strip or start scanning the earth for a safe place to put down!Thats half the fun of flying with an engine out of a motorised glockensphielMark.

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  • Disco
    Doing a lap or 2 once ina while, in a marginal powered gyro, is great for "refreshing" the meaning of..................sssh1t..

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