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Video of crash on take-off (MT03 in the UK)

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  • firefly
    Bosca.... well you have dealt the coup de graceYour sharp and accurate portrayal of me has left me crushed

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  • Russell
    Kym...........maaate....................go fishin or sumin.

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  • bosca
    Flyfire you are such a airhead,full of generalisations and untruths as to what I said.Best spoken by your quote at the bottom of your posts.As you said your life is full of crap.

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  • bones
    Hmmmm i see silence is the best weapon for him ayyy.If this is your best, try and shut up unless your prepared to step up to the plate and instruct too.

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  • firefly
    Bones... What should you do? Ignore the ****** and keep instructing thoroughly and safely as you do

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  • Des Garvin
    Bones he"s a fixed winger reading his post. Cheers Des Garvin.

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  • bones

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  • birdy
    One danger time is about 3000 hrs.Birdy be carefulCant remember that far back.BTW Bos, the instructers only pesponsability is to show you how to operate the machine.Its up to you, with time and common sence, to learn how to FLY it.

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  • Mark Horan
    Boscarella,I too, spent a week in Parkes with Robbie. at the time Rob was training out of his roscoe machine powered by a Rotax.Out of a whole weeks training, because the weather was hot and windy (one morning we tryed to beat the heat by getting to the airport before day light... the temp was 34 as the sun came up and the wind sock horizontal) we only managed less than 2 hrs training for the week.In those conditions, Robs machine was marginal, using most of the bitumen to get off the ground and only climbing well over the ploughed paddock over the fence at the end of the strip. Was it good training?, of course it was, It gave me rudementry knowledge of how to fly in crap conditions and somehow it reinforces my earlier statement about flying marginal machines. You are absolutely right in your last post, saying "it is not all about horsepower"! That is the exact point I was making in my earlier post!There is no doubt that you posess a higher skill level and a superior intellect to most of us on this forum, that would explain the obvious distain that you hold for many people who contribute here, its just a pity that while you were acquiring these marvelous skills, that you didnt pay more attention when learning about manners.

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  • bosca
    Ah it is interesting while away in Sydney.The mice have had a chew.

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  • eigyro
    The joker in that video could have all the reviews in the world and it wouldnt make any difference.Downwind takeoff, towards the trees, yanks it off the ground, behind the power curve, cant climb, tries to turn,(when he already cantclimb in a straight line).

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  • birdy
    Good post Peg.Its always good to hear from sumone with common sence n brains.

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  • Mark Horan
    Sorry weedy,Yeh, we do a similar thing here.Boscarella, Are you having a go at my diesel landcruiser? It might be slow, but boy is it uncomfortable! ;D

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  • Mark Horan
    Looks like Boscarella is back from the badlands!"Why would you want to fly a marginal machine?" I ask myself the same question everytime I hear of a GA accident involving a cessna 150 or a small engined piper! In the world of GA, of which I think you come from, no-one learns in a dash 8 or an f111.The whole idea of leaning to fly is to reduce the likely hood of killing yourself, but in the air, its really hard to see what is going to try to kill you. "You have to try to feel the force Luke", dont know if you have ever noticed, but tis really hard to feel

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  • Weedy
    G"day,Here in South Africa we do a "renewal flight test" every 2 years irrespective of hours flown, this is to re-validate your licence and with the PPL for example its 1 year after initial licence issue and then every 2 years. It may well be leaning towards over regulation but possibly for yours and your pax good safe

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