I reckon you two have got the best idea i"ve heard today.
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Mediation Reports ASRA Board
I agree with you Disco, and it could well be worth researching for a ASRA only section, nearly anything can be done these days, its only programming.I would like to think that the future is going to see a lot lot less of the past and more positive stuff in the future and if we want ASRA to continue and to grow, we are going to need all hands on deck and be working and contributing to the general running of ASRA, I believe this new board will delegate like not seen before, The volunteers that have already started to indicate they are rearing to help will get a guernsey .So, I reckon we are all going to to busy posting good stuff to worry about anything else. !! I"m looking forward to talking about gyros and stirring PB and that old flamechook ...only kidding but I want to have a bit of fun stuff happening and some discussions about general flying eg, like birdys downwind / sink etc etc, this stuff is going to help the majority of blokes with their flying and , hey, isnt this what its all about ??
I agree with you Disco, and it could well be worth researching for a ASRA only section, nearly anything can be done these days, its only programming.I would like to think that the future is going to see a lot lot less of the past and more positive stuff in the future and if we want ASRA to continue and to grow, we are going to need all hands on deck and be working and contributing to the general running of ASRA, I believe this new board will delegate like not seen before, The volunteers that have already started to indicate they are rearing to help will get a guernsey .So, I reckon we are all going to to busy posting good stuff to worry about anything else. !! I"m looking forward to talking about gyros and stirring PB and that old flamechook ...only kidding but I want to have a bit of fun stuff happening and some discussions about general flying eg, like birdys downwind / sink etc etc, this stuff is going to help the majority of blokes with their flying and , hey, isnt this what its all about ?? Absolutely Brian.Aussie Paul.
So you want a forum system that supports a combination of private and public Short answer yes it is possible, though i dont think it is with the current operating system. have been involved with a web page based organisation where there was a PRIVATE section, with only selected memebers could even see it was there.Commonwealth golf club version , the constitution rules (This one is my personal preference.)Once you have been president of the club you must1. resign from the board completely at the end of the term provided for (like the US president), and2. you may never be President of the organization again. (again like the US president)3. you may after at least after one additional term serve on the board again but NEVER as President or Vice President again.Personally does see this system working, ie not enough people with enough time to comfit to it, and this is the main part, some times it takes longer than 12 months to get things in place, look at the new regs for eg. been near two years trying to get them through, so if this were the case, new people would be asked to get up to speed and try and carry on, not easy.The other is the rotary way, which I am not completely clear on how it works it does ensure that President can NEVER serve 2 years in a row at least,one of these needs to seriously be implemented within ASRA, if not these a close version of one of these.This type of idea has been in my head for some time, eg. after say 3 yrs they have to step back for at least 1 term, then they could renominate again, this gives the new person elected, if some one was to step aside after their 3 yrs, a chance to impress people and this would i feel make for stronger leadership.Both of these would be about to prevent the president from "empire building" and stay on top for extend periods of time, but the bottom idea would ensure that we dont loose a good leader after one term
I"ve just done some testing and it will be possible to add an extra group for financial members only.People not in this group will not see these posts or topics.I will wait a week to see what transpires with the board then approach them for permission.webbie
I told myself I wouldn"t post, but here goes - I have tried for years to get 3 year terms brought in for the various positions - people seemed to find it difficult to grasp. I have worked under that system for years in other organisations - works really well. And it is healthy. Also after the President"s 3 year term, that person is still involved at Board meetings, as Past President, more in an advisory role, for continuity. So then I tried them with the idea of a split board voting system - again, didn"t go anywhere.When you have someone at the top who went to a meeting representing you and your association, and in his speech he called himself "President for Life" is there any wonder he was upset last year?
Hi DG, nominations were called for in the last gyro news, the forms were in every magazine to my knowledge. All nominations were supposed to be in a few days ago, just before the gyro news was printed but due to whats happened, the gyro news printing has been put back and this and business with a number of the current board, resigning, has allowed the cut off date to be extended.You have to realize that the pats weeks events have been without precedence, so you have to allow those still on the board, time to get things back on track which they have been doing, a number of things have to be done and worked out.I note your "cannot believe ". I would think the same if I didnt have a pretty good knowledge of whats happened, not only this year but in the past. I have been doing a lot of researching and after every contact, I shake my head as I hear a re curring story that cannot be dismissed, in fact, I have a very damming portfolio compiled.I"m sure you noted Mark Regan"s report and I"m sure this new board will make some changes, the constitution has to be re visited as well as tightening up board members roles and making clear, procedures to be followed.
I"ve just done some testing and it will be possible to add an extra group for financial members only.People not in this group will not see these posts or topics.I will wait a week to see what transpires with the board then approach them for permission.webbiewebbie, if you need a hand give me a ring ... SMF is a very powerful forum and there are permissions within permissions - you can set it up very quickly for anything you can imagine!!rotor