Good work, Mitch. Look after that brachial plexus. Even though you"ve got 2, its no where near as much fun with only one working.G"day Russ.Good post. But what I"m advocating is to not decide on anything at present, but to line everything up and figure it out once we know the the full details of all the possibilities. Right now, we know jack-shyte about the differnt scenarios being put together (when I say "we", I mean us ordinary blokes. You being a bit closer to the action might know sumthin the rest of us don"t). Once we get that info, we can line things up. Sorta like when you go to renew your Nortons AQntivirus each year. They have a number of columns showing different products they make, with ticks against the functions that they cater for. If it all turns out "much of a muchness", then we"ll more than likely rule with our hearts, instead of our heads. However, if one option or another is a standout, then the head might have to take a part in it.While we"re on the subject, Adrians offer of help might be put to some use. It"s pointless all of us dorks trying to figure out such things as "maximum term" and "can"t be president more than once" when we"ve got no idea what it will all mean to the running of the joint. Perhaps its an opportune time for Adrian and some of the other board members to pen a few thoughts of "do"s" and "don"ts" as they see it (and perhaps include some "why"s" as well). Theres no reason why past board members shouldn"t weigh in as well. Thers a heap of people on the forums with board experience going all the way back to the Bruty era that may have something to contribute.To go back to the thread topic for a sec, the constitution doesn"t appear to adequately cover our present siuation. I"ve had a bit of a read, and it appears that:"Voting for positions on the ASRA board shall be held annually by the membership on a one member - one vote system".The by-laws clarify the logistics of the elections by specifying:- the cut off date for nominations shall be notified in the Gyro News- Voting forms will be distributed by Aust Post or the Gyro News- Poll closure date shall be stated on the voting forms, publishe in the Gyro News etc- Voting shall be by ballot and returned direct to the board nominated returning officer- Voting may be done electronically when the system makes provision for it.Vacancies are dealt with as follows:- In the case of a vacancy, temp or permanent, the board may nominate a suitable alternative to fill the vacancy either temporary or until an election or the next annual election. When prior notice of the vacancy is given, the alternate member will immediately be included in all board business, but will not have voting rights until he assumes office. (Vacancies are dfined elsewhere in the constitution)So, it would appear that (unless some-one knows sumthin different) that there doesn"t appear to be a provision for extra ordinary elections outside the annual elections, and there doesn"t appear to be a provison for most of the board packing up and pissing off after nominations are closed.Methinks that when this debacle is over and we"ve decided on a direction to proceed (either individually or as a group) that there needs to be a working party set up to have a long hard look at the constitution. I also think that the working party needs to be member driven, rather than rehashed by a board. I think that recent events have shown that the membership really needs to take a far greater interest in how ASRA is run, and the membership also needs to be far more specific as to the rules under which we run. There are some areas of the constitution that are particularly "watery arsed". More of that later.Cheers
No announcement yet.
Another calling for asra board nominees.
Members,The response from the email I sent out so far is a bit thin BUT....."I am not a Board member, so can only reply as an ordinary member.I would respectfully suggest that you please do some homework on thesubject - i.e. read your Constitution, in conjunction with your By-Laws andthe ACT Model Rules."AND......"Between the Constitution, the Model Rules and the Act, the AGM must bewithin 5 to 6 months of the end of the financial year (30th June). There isa bit of inconsistency there, giving us a bit of leeway. In my opinion thereis nothing that forbids us from re-calling nominations, and in the light ofnew and critical information, it would probably be a good idea.If the AGM was delayed to November for example, there would be more thanenough time to call for new noms in this current Mag, and notify thosenominees on a voting form by mail-out."I think it"s plain to see Fred that the experienced have different approaches.I am also further confused by the current status of who is and is not a board member. You can see from the first email response that the resignee is not a board member. Some of the resignations provided state " effective imeadiately" and some do not and in one case a sitting member resigned giving no effective date.It could be construed that this member still believes he is a Board member.Did he resign as he announced or didn"t he?Normally, resignations are effective immediately unless stating otherwise by giving an effective date.I would like to hear from the current board members as to who we have on board, right now. Please advise us with a list.We dont really need resignees hanging about.
Can anyone indicate what the current remaining board members are thinking or acting on right now? I mean I read plenty of things indicating what we should be doing or would like to see being done, but what is the current status of play within the remaining board members?I"m told that a number of the Board members don"t use the forum, which seems strange.
Now, now mitch..........i"m as pure as the driven snow.......dead setMate......we"ve seen the "home" paddock.........ripped, plowed, a good spread of "fertilizer""m just sewing a "seed" or 2. Christ the ground is all preped up, let"s reap the harvest. The "paddock" is beggin for a crop. ;D
i"m outa here............ :-[
If you aim for nothing, you'll hit it every time
Hey Teddy boy..........i rock into brizy next friday, sat mornin me n brian headin up to robs, stayin the night. Giving his new machine a workout grab ya swag, meet us at brizy, come to bundaberg.You can check out me build at rods place too....................good idea?????????PS.......promise not to reference you as the "cave dweller"..........promise.......[ pigs **** i do ] ;D
If you aim for nothing, you'll hit it every time