OK....OK.........i promise to wear shoes from now on [ that should impress em ] ;D
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Wot ever the 914 comes with Fred.IOW, buggered if i know. :PBut i dont think its tip speed, coz the noise has a frequency.The same size prop on the 912 isnt as noisy, but its getn cleaner air.G"day Dave,I mighta known it wasn"t going to be easy.
Mate, wot sorta wanker you take me for. :- If i knew the answer id be boastn bout it.[ tho i recon exhaust into the prop could be sum of the noise, and im not far from rign a tail pipe to see wot difference it makes.]BTW, wots IIRC and MOI? ???
Fred is spot on. Heard last night of another noise incident. Apparently a NT strip no longer wants noisy gyros. Apparently anither noisy Sparrowhawk. Really the factory needs to do something about these before selling them to customers. My US based mate said that one state had banned them from flying over noise issues and that there had been a bit of fuss. But this is not the only noisy one as a lot of homebuilts are just as noisy if not noisy. It would be the responsible thing to quieten your gyro if you live anywhere near civilisation. If you dont we will all suffer the consequences. Trikes are quiet, but have an accident record as bad as ours, but dont seem to cop as much bad press. It may be drawing a long bow, but I wonder if its because they are not noticed as much as we are. The old saying is seen and not heard, but not seen and not heard would even be better.Ken
Ole Mate Nudge flys his trike with 447 and everyone loves him.His strip runs parrallel to the "Highway" only about 30 mts of separation.He never gets any complaints...why?1. He takes off and then goes somewhere else..eg: George Town or Bridport, Cranbourne etc.2. He mostly fly"s at 2000 plus.3. Any low level stuff he does is pre-arranged with land owners.4. He has a 12 megapixel camera now for many years Nigel has been taking aerial photographs for Industry and the Govt as well as private land owners.5. Nudge is a well known Northern Tasmanian identity , through business and aviation. As their aint many Trikes about up our way and he has been flying in and around the area for many years, everyone knows him or knows of him. He also has an Xair with a 618 and fact is they say my 503 Butterfly with the exhaust blowing straight through a 60 inch Tennesse wooden 2 blade prop with a 40 pitch is quieter than both.I have watched and listened many times as others fly at ASRA Nationals and at Mentone in the USA. No doubt the Americans with their Mac 70 and 90 HP engines have become accustomed to deafening noise levels where gyros are concerned.I agree limiting noise emissions is fundamental to the process of gyro acceptance both within the aviation community and the wider public.I"m not convinced 2 strokes are necessarily noisier than many subbie powered craft.Proof is in being offered George Town to solo from 3 years ago by one time Pres of the AUF (RAA ?) Eugene Reid, whilst all other gyros at the time were not welcome. Eventually Eugene relaxed a bit more with respect to the gyros and Jamo"s Raf2000 was a regular visitor. Eugene Reid has to attend a Council meeting each month to answer noise complaint issues from the public.Each month it is the same old lady that complains, no one else.Unfortunately, often we have to "curb" our ways, simply to satisfy a few objectors, nevertheless, we must move forward and noise emissions will be top of the hit list for keeping us out.Having Nudge as my flying Buddy has help tremendously in having gyros and the Blue Butterfly more widely accepted.Good threadMitch.
I"m not convinced 2 strokes are necessarily noisier than many subbie powered craft.See"n as 99% of noise from most gyros is prop noise, it dont matter wots spin"n it.Like i said, the ferel has a streight through, and is quieter than the wasa with a factory 914 muffler.
I realise a good deal of it is prop noise, though I"d dispute 99%Some of those Macs are making more noise than the prop and I feel many subbies are not adequately "muffled." So I do think it does matter wots spinnin it. What I believe is that it is the combination/setup of any craft determines end result, Why else would some 503"s sound louder than others.....different props and muffler systems and the direction the muffler is placed, etc.As Ken Watson said his is quieter...and he explained why. ;DAnyway, got to run and catch a flight home to Tas.
Mate, wot sorta ****er you take me for. :- If i knew the answer id be boastn bout it.[ tho i recon exhaust into the prop could be sum of the noise, and im not far from rign a tail pipe to see wot difference it makes.]BTW, wots IIRC and MOI? ???Birdy,Wrote you a reply. Lost it in this @%&*$$%^ computer somewhere. Wooda give you a ring, but #$%@@#$*& phones been on the blink for near on 2 months. It"s good because its peaceful, but bad if you wanna ring some-one. Telstra offered to switch the phone into my mobile, but only get reception if I"m standing on the roof. Don"t need to tell ya wot I told em. Lightning fried the dirtbag old exchange, so won"t get fixed until parts arrive. I think they must be coming on one of your camels.Haven"t got the heart to type it all again. Near wore the finger prints off me two index fingers on the original. Dija fix your noise problem? I didn"t reckon it would be dirty air, cause the old prop shoulda made some noise. With the bigger prop, maybe it now gets in the exhaust whereas the original didn"t (but that is so obvious you wooda already checked that). I only mentioned the inertia bit (MOI) because you said the noise had a frequency. May have affected torsionals but thats drawing a bit of a long bow. Is the noise a blat blat blat sorta noise, or is it more of a rum rum rum (shut up, Russ. The sun"s not over the yard-arm yet
I didn"t reckon it would be dirty air, I duno now Freddy :-Took it for a blap this morn with an extended tail pipe onit to get the exhaust away from the prop. Landed, took it off and wen to see where the rain fell last nite and there was a very slight difference in volume, but not enuff to warrant leaven the tail pipe on, so its stayn off.Its gota be dirty air.The closest thing to the prop is the blunt end of the chopped keel, and the blade tips miss it by bout 5" wen its idle, so im gessn that wen the blades are actualy pushn the machine, they could be getn quite close, and its a small but distinct starve of air sound.Wot to do???Buggered if i know. ??? :-