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I"m with you now, Des. A sort of "appendium of collective knowledge". Are you putting up your hand to collate the "collective knowledge", and if so have you got an address? If everyone sends copies of what they"ve got, then you can sort the wheat from the chaff.Not wishing to pre-empt anything that Birdy might have to say, trikers and others that fly machines where the fuse isn"t bolted rigid to the wing also talk about "flying the wing" and not the pod. It was also taught when I learnt to fly gyros.CheersFred
Des,are you thinking something like the Gyro Training manual created by LLasslo Borross?Whilst some sections are slightly dated, it appears to be a great starting point.It certainly covers pre flight checks and aircraft set up, amongst other chapters in good detail.I have referred to it often.
Des, I copied from an original borrowed from Kevin Traeger some years ago.Made 2 copies and left one with PB at Ballarat a few years ago as he had not seen it either.I will make another copy (on our flash office printer) in two weeks on return to duties in the event no one puts up there hand here for you.Will contact you direct then via your listed email for a forwarding address.Dave,we need all the Instructors we can get, wherever they may be and with your abundant skills, a crime would be considered committed if you were to even consider withdrawing or reducing your Instructor contributions. I disagree that you are wasting you time given your geographic isolation. People know you are there and can always use the dog and bone to mutually arrange currency requirements.Some may consider ass kissing occurring here, so I also think you are being coy about your academic grasp of the ASRA rules. Having personally seen you fly a routine in demanding weather and witnessing expert airmanship around a CTAF, what you may or may not be able to commit to paper, you can certainly demonstrate. Is this not Instruction?Get ready for the flood of newbies requiring B&B at your spread whilst training in the WASA.
Mike, your maken me blush. :-[ Is this not Instruction?No, like i said, just coz sumone can, dont mean they can teach. [ im only speakn for meself ere, not Jacko. I think Jacko is an instructer too, he"d be the man to see]I dout [ at least hope] that any newbys that saw me or Jacko dont try it at home, coz we werent instructing, we were demonstrateing. Big difference.Im all ears if anyone who wants to get serious bout getn the most outa their machine, and ill offer wot ever help i can, but you gota know how to fly before i could even contemplate talkn to you coz you need sum airtime to know wot im sayn.In fact, id like anyone who is to give us a ring, coz my major consern is the lack of knowlage of the physics of gyros and air conditions of our instructers.Im not sayn they should know this in detail in order to become an instructer.Im sayn that the average instructer"s job is to teach you how to get up and back down in one piece.Youd be there forever, and most would suffer from information overload if the instructer had to teach you everythn, most of which the average jo dont need to know anyway.I dont know who it is who knows everythn, but mate, i recon i would need to sink a few tubes to be able to soak up all there is to know bout these machines if i ever meet him. [ or her].