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I donated some videos and a couple of books a few years ago to the ASRA.The two books are by Paul Bergen Abbott (sp?) and they go a long way toward standardisation of a flight manual.Anyone wanting to get a general idea and an explanation of the physics should read them both several times first then perhaps read the Foucarde arrticle ASRA has posted. Of course you can then read some of Beaty"s, Riley Udi, Rahgu and Grimmingers stuff. (Ex USA).The Abbott books are a must read Des but knowing you ole Mate, youve done that already.Happy New Year to all you crazy gyro nuts.Mitch.
G"day Des,Like Mitch, I"ll give you an ssist, if you want. Might I suggest that you start at the top and work backwards? i.e. Check with young Allan and RossB (Former Ops mgr and current Safety etc mgr) and see what exists or is in the pipeline, and maybe get some terms of reference. After all, at the end of the day it will be required to be ticked off ASRA before it can become "law".CheersFred
Gidday Des and All,About 4 years ago, I started to re-write the BAK Manual. Unfortunately, workload saw that shelved after about 1 chapter. It should be realised that the current BAK Manual was originally written by Ian Morcombe in response to his student"s hunger for information. It was subsequently formalised and published as an ASRA document. At least, I believe that this was the case.I unaware of the current Board"s position on this or any other subject, but I think it would be reasonable to assume that, with the impending introduction of CASR Parts 149 and 103, consideration is being given to the suite of manuals that will be required to ensure that ASRA is the designated association for gyros in the long term. I don"t know if this will include a re-write of the current Ops and BAK Manuals.In the interim, I offer my opinions on some of the subject matter above: The Ops Manual contains a syllabus of theory and flight training that is required for prospective gyro pilots. I believe that each student is entitled to receive from his instructor, the theoretical knowledge required by this syllabus. Where an instructor is unable to immediately and accurately provide the information required or sought, he is obliged to advise the student, then research the subject and provide the information as soon as possible. I would like to think that all of my students are afforded this courtesy. Ask them if you like.Whilst the current BAK manual may be outdated, until another is produced may I suggest that you refer to what I use as my promary source of theoretical information, the FAA publication Rotorcraft Flying Handbook. Here is a link to the document:
In aviation, the only stupid question is the one you don't ask!
Gidday Des,I understand where you are coming from with the rotors. I still say the best way to go with those is the manufacturer. At least they will know where the cordwise balance was set during manufacture. As a matter of interest in relation to this, you mention the cordwise balance being at 25% cord. This is not always the case. In fact, many modern blades are closer to the 28 - 30% mark. (ASK Peter Barsden. He has all the figures). As the centre of lift of the blades is usually around the 25% mark, the difference can cause the blades to weave as a reslut of the advancing blade twisting cordwise due to the moment arm between the centre of lift and the cordwise balance balance point. This would normally be noticed ar high rotor RPM and is the reason that some blades are twisted so as to reduce the angle of attack on the outbard sections of the blade (washout).Hang in there.Regards,Waddles.
In aviation, the only stupid question is the one you don't ask!
Goodonya Des,That"s my grandson Joshua to my second eldest girl Allison.He faced a significant hurdle just getting born with a problem called Gastroschisis.Google search will adequately describe that if your interested.2 years old now and running (bypassed toddling) so flying with Grandad will be a particular joy.Cheers