Hello All,Greg Mitchell has gone to great lengths to secure a discount on vehicle travel too and from Tasmania for the proposed ASRA nationals 2009.The Board has already voted in favour of holding a flyin/nationals at Narromine if anything else is not forthcoming.Its now up to individual members to show whether Tasmania is a viable venue by expressing their interest in attending. As Greg has indicated it would be a good opportunity for a holiday as well as attending the 4days of the Nationals, and the discount available to ASRA members is not likely to be repeated.Soooooooooooo, are you going to show up? a simple yes no will suffice.Murray Barker,Prez.
No announcement yet.
2009 Nationals.
Hi AllI think Mitch has done a fantastic job in securing a really good deal for the Tassie trip, however considering the board had already given the green light for WA to hold the 2010 nationals I feel by having two nationals that require members to travel such great distances and invest so much time we run the risk of niether being overly well supported. Just food for thought.RegardsDarren
Having never much problem navigating my way to the map of Tassie in my younger days, I shouldnt see much problem in getting there now.But really, Tassie is a great place to visit and seeing it from the air would be Fantastic!The wife and grubs are even keen to go, so providing I dont wreck the current Machine, I would be there with bells on!Mark.
Yesterday I spoke with Murray Barker ASRA President and the general feeling I got was that there seems to be little interest throughout the membership to travel long distances to get to a ASRA Nationals Event.I would agree in principle that the high cost of transportation now and in the future is likely to see dramatically reduced numbers of members attending said events. Of course some may plan a "holiday" and incorporate the ASRA Nats....The discussion as to where the next Nationals will be held was voted on by the board and they chose Naromine, where the ultralight fixed wingers have their get together every year. They did this because they thought they had no other options. I heard initially it had gone to some mob in NSW, then that didn"t happen, the Board were stuck for a venue.Well there is another option on the table....Tassy!I privately approached the owner of the Clarence Point Lodge and he has everything we need there. And there are NO.. BIG AIRPORT or CITY RULES to get shy about!
I"d like to thank all those who showed an interest in attending a ASRA Nats in Tassie.Unfortunately, one person (Mark Horan) and the board does not make for a very large flyin.I will be ringing the Director of Sales/Res Dept of the TT Lines this morning to cancel the program.Certainly hope you enjoy whatever it is you decide to do for next Easter and beyond...A Mate rang last night wanting to know what was happening with his ASRA magazine......I said I dont think ASRA have an editor, so no club driven Nationals and no Magazine.....
Hey Rotor,You fly on down here Mate, we are still having our own local flyin.What"s going to happen to the CHAMPIONSHIPS Now!There cant be any trophies for competitions and no National Champ. What do we just drop the 2009 off the main trophy? Fact is Geoff, I did not call TT Lines today, I thought since we"ve got the weekend ahead of us with a possible board member having resigned, I"d leave it till; the dust settles on Monday or Tuesday.Personally I"m still in favour of having the ASRA National Championships here. We have the facilities and no one else wants it.....not even that bunch who hold their own "Nat"s every year, on some blokes property out the back of NSW. >Why dont they put their hand up. That"s not really a question. :
I believe I know why.