Gidday All,Attached is a Safety Alert that is self explanatory.Please be guided accordingly. A copy of the SA will be emailed directly to you as well.Regards,Allan Wardill.
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New Safety Alert issued
Gidday all,I"ve tried all the numbers I have for Gerry Goodwin but none are valid.Does anyone out there have a current contact for him please? If so, please email it to me at Alternatively, just email the SA direct to him please.ThanksRegards,Allan Wardill
In aviation, the only stupid question is the one you don't ask!
Mate, theres only one reason why that brand spankers new tube is broke.They are commonly called freight companies.Sum braindead druggy just grabed it and chucked it to the next brain cell.But, those tubes do harden with age/ sunlite, but that takes years.
Waddles, I replaced mine with go-kart fuel line.I got it from these guys
Mate, theres only one reason why that brand spankers new tube is broke.They are commonly called freight companies.Sum braindead druggy just grabed it and chucked it to the next brain cell.But, those tubes do harden with age/ sunlite, but that takes years.Right Birdy.yes this issue must be attended to but......This safety alert probable need to go to the freight company before Gerry.
Just been told the sling of pvc caseing i have sitn in town hase one length with fork holes though it.How the ***** can you missjudge a sling of 500 " of brite wite pipe for crist sake???Always check befor you accept delivery, coz soon as you signe, their hands are clean.The damage to that breather tube has nuthn to do with jerry, or the way its packed.Seems the more you wrap sumthn up, the higher theyll drop it.Go round to the depo n kick sumones ass is all you can do once they have your thumb print.
I really don"t understand why a safety alert was issued for transport damage. It is the builders responsibility to inspect that goods received is in good order.This kind damage is applicable to all components.The pilot who missed it on pre flight should not be flying.
Gentlemen,The Safety Alert was posted because we have well founded concerns about the "embrittlement" of Goodwin seat tank fuel sight-tubes (and a broader concern about ageing fuel lines generally which we are still researching). Apparently, ultra-violet light damages the "plasticisers" or specific chemicals mixed into the plastic to give it flexibility. Some fuel line "plasticisers" can also apparently be leached out by fuels that have alcohol in their mix (although no Australian gyro that we know of is currently running an alcohol mix).From personal experience, and the common reported experience of others, the seat tank fuel sight lines do become very much stiffer and more brittle over time, particularly when exposed to direct sunlight.While transport damage is always a possibility, the original reporter did emphasize the embrittlement aspect, and most of you should know that a new fuel sight tube won"t fracture in the way shown because it has full flexibility and will deform readily and also stretch to a certain extent, rather than fracturing as depicted in the photo.Mark RMelbourne
Some of the plastic tube thats being sold now is rubbish & fuel can actually eat the stuff. Some of the fault can be attributed to fuel as it can contain all sorts of solvents & whatever the fuel companies can buy as cheap filler & I see there"s more ethanol fuel about now. Some bowsers will only have a E10 written somewhere in small writing so be aware of what you are buying both in fuel & hose.
t-bird,Mark"s suggestion as I take it is an observation of what happens to plastic fuel lines generally, be they new, old or anywhere in between, as I read it he means what happens over time, so it is a warning to all users that over time it will fail with fuel and UV exposure, I know of this and I am glad to see Mark advising this is the case, for those who may not know. As such there is no tie between this specific incident and his comment as I see it.I regularly replace my PVC tubing and have done so in the last two weeks to remove brittle sections of line that have become so over the last 6 months.It seems to me you"re "having a go" at this observation without taking the good intent to heart. Mark has enough to do without having to explain his good intention.I concur with Birdy about the transport of goods... the better the packaging seemingly the harder they try to break it..Cheers,Nic.