Hi Tim, I thought that I would start another thread away from the Lameroo trip, called "How do we as an Association handle the "rules" predicament facing us."quote:Originally posted by Tim
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How do we as an Assn handle the "rules" predicamen
Here comes that broken gramophone record again! Read the $#@^%&*%$ Operations Manual.I was seriously disappointed to be told by one of our "old hands" recently that the last lot of Ops Manual amendments was still in its envelope and unread. We are trying to keep things as simple as possible, the long anticipated self regulatory legislation will very soon become Law, we will have the best sport aviation rules in the world, but it seems that this is not good enough for some people. Those of us who have worked at the "coalface" during this process find that none of these critics seem to be able to offer even half intelligent alternatives. They have totally failed to appreciate that we have to meet certain standards to have these priveidges and that our compliance is audited.These dissidemts are reminded that they do have an alternative pathway, they can fly under CASA's direct control. They will then find they really do have something to winge about []John EvansThink logically and do things well, think laterally and do things better.
Paul,have heart. I objected in September to this rule,to no avail,further in December I pointed to board sec.5.07 refers to all gyros, I was informed that it will be corrected, thank goodness we have people on the board with common sense and they did correct it. Go to page 22 in the latest ASRA GYRO NEWS as Adrian explains it very clearly.So now if you have any gyro single or two seater you don't need to have it reinspected if there are no changes. Thank You Adrian.Walter FlaksThink before you leap.
Thanks Wal. John, you don't really have to swear. It is much easier when you are on the Board and are familliar with everything that is happening. I know as I have been there when I did my President and Board stint back in the 90's.It is a little more difficult for the average gyro pilot. If it were easy there would not be these questions. People would not be trying to work out what has to be done. This has nothing to do with Board competence or anything sinister. It simply means that the normal ASRA member is having difficulty with the rules, as are the whole aviation fraternity with the photo licence, avid and asic cards etc.So Tim, as President, and for this suspended, and obviously "dumb" ASRA member, does a two seat gyro have to be inspected by an independant two seat TA each January 1st to continue to be registered and legal[?]Aussie Paul.[]www.firebirdgyros.com
As Wal points out there is a discrepancy between what the Ops Manual says and what Adrian has said on page 22 of Gyro News. Unfortunately the word "approved" has been inadvertantly left out in the Ops Manual amendment. This is being corrected to reflect the true intent.The page 22 notice obviously applies to most gyros which are classified as "basic".Even though at this stage some re-registrations are being processed without all details being filled out, this does cause signifigant inconvenience and makes our database inaccurate in some cases. I would also point out that this can lead to an increase in Llewella's enormous workload at this time of the year. Fair go fellers, I have to live with her!I am at a loss to understand Wal's hostility to this simple safety requirement which is common in aviation, and in other areas for that matter. It is very easy to become afflicted with a form of "blindnes" when inspecting something which you use frequently, requiring another qualified pair of eyes is commonly accepted as a worthwhile safety precaution.Wal seems to be ignoring the fact that there is no shortage of available TAs in his area. Where availability is a problem Adrian provides assistance with his "remote" service.John EvansThink logically and do things well, think laterally and do things better.
quote:So Tim, as President, and for this suspended, and obviously "dumb" ASRA member, does a two seat gyro have to be inspected by an independant two seat TA each January 1st to continue to be registered and legal[?]Aussie Paul.[]www.firebirdgyros.comHi Tim, I see that you have posted this morning, so what is the answer please[?]Aussie Paul. [
As it stands, a two seat gyro registration renewal has to be endorsed by a T/A other than the owner/operator. It may not require inspection if the T/A is familiar with the aircraft and knows that it has not been modified since last renewal. This is only a renewal and not a complete compliance inspection. Any modifications that could affect the flight performance, relaibility or safety of the aircraft have to be re-assesed as per the Approved Gyroplane Standards.The current ruling is under review, but it is doubtful if the intent of the ruling will change.Tim McClure
Hi TimRe your posting, second paragraph, correct me if I am wrong.Am I to understand that you(Tim) build a 2 seat gyro and I purchase it, and no modifation been made to it since last renewal,than I do not need it to be reinspected by T/A.Since you are familiar with the machine,and take my word that no modifations were made to it?Walter Flaks.
Thats where the problem lies Wal. The endorsing T/A has to know that no modifications have been made, not just be told by the owner. It is the T/A's neck on the line so he would be a fool to sign the rego form sight-unseen. We know this has been done in the past and this is what is trying to be stamped out. There has already been two cases that I am aware of where a machine has been signed off without even having the compulsory AD's done, and both machines ended with fatalities. It could not be conclusively proven that the lack of compliance had any bearing on the accident so the cases were closed, but they were classic cases of T/A's not following correct procedure. Tim McClure
Good idea Wal, it would be a good safeguard if Adrian were to do this for his "remote" service.BTW I note that Terry Boatswain will be passing through on his way to Canberra shortly, perhaps he will help you if no locals are acceptable.John EvansThink logically and do things well, think laterally and do things better.