I am running a Blog on Rotor"s Forum on the Upgrade to All Terrain G Force Landing Gear.Details the process, with pictures.http://www.rotorcraft.com.au/blog.ph...gcategoryid=-1
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All Terrain G Force Landing Gear Upgrade for Monarch Butterfly Gyroplane
2nd Day on the upgrade.This is a link to the first post of day 2, scroll thru for more posts.http://www.rotorcraft.com.au/entry.p...g-Gear-Upgrade
3rd Day .......All Terrain G Force Landing Gear installed.http://www.rotorcraft.com.au/entry.p...e-Landing-Gear
4th Day......Got a few hrs in this morning before heading into Launie.http://www.rotorcraft.com.au/entry.p...old-axle-stubs
Monarch is only a day or two away from testing, with the original Pats.There are many obstacles this year....., I am not fully "instrumented" to be able to demo by April, nor am I likely to be proficient enough by then.Elise and I have decided to purchase a 9"6" High Cube 40" Container as the new stable/hangar by March/April, when I"ll relocate/move the Monarch to the long strip up near Greens Beach, only 7 minute drive from home. I have invested in a set of Goodwin tip weighted blades, this along with the cost of the G Force puts me out of the game to trailer the Monarch up this year. Those that came to Tassie know the cost of trailer on the Spirit.I can only get som much funding from the MF.WA Nats is out also.At this stage I"m committed to a week in Sydney over Easter, we are all headed up to catch up with my older kids.So money and committments has me out.Elise and I have talked at length and depending on how things turn out for you and others Sam,