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Problems with Nose wheel assembly

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  • Problems with Nose wheel assembly

    [8)] Below is a standard Rosco nose wheel assembly, using 5mm alloy plates as the build material.I have a larger copy of one using the same material, and was told to keep an eye on it as they have a habit of kissing the keel during heavy landings.Question is, has anyone seen, or now of one of these assemblies failing during landind ?Regards Sam.Image Insert: 63.18 KB

  • #2
    swap ya mine was much weaker and only failed because i went through a big rut while seein what taxiing is like.what does a new one cost?might be cheaperand better than repairing the old one i had.


    • #3
      []Not sure of cost hoody, as mine was custom made larger to suit my gyro.I think Rosco sells them for $ 350 for standard & $ 450 for larger wide wheel.My consern is I have extended the forks by about 3 inches to raise the keel level to accommedate the larger tyres.Having done this the last thing I need is it to fail during some mis-hap.Sam.


      • #4
        G,day Sam,I extended the forks of a "Rosco" assembly by simply cutting some rectangular sections of the plate material the same width as the forks and as long as necessary for the extension. These extensions are bolted onto the "steering block" and the original forks then are butted to the ends of them. To join the original forks to the extensions I just used some plate material (6061) and "sandwiched" the join. Looks a bit ugly but is simple and seems strong. I hit the ground hard last year in a bingle and it bent but never folded. And they were 6" extensions.


        • #5
          G'day Sam. The picture of the nose wheel you posted has been modified from the origonal Rosco. It appears to have an extention bolted onto the top. The problem some referred to was the wheel bottoming out on the keel or the canopy. With the extention on yours this should not be a problem. Just check that the wheel cannot contact the block above it on full deflection. If it does, it can lock the front wheel (even on bitumen) and the weight transfer keeps it locked. Not conducive to good ground handling, but funny to watch when it happens to someone else, as long as they do not get hurt.Tim McClure


          • #6
            I'v tryed hard on a few occasions to bend me Rosco nose wheel assembly, and to date I'v been fail'n dissmaly.I'v stressed it once but instead of the gear bending, the keel bent.Any extention you add the the gear to lift the machine will put more pressure on the keel, not the gear.Ignorance is bliss............but only till you realise you were.Ingratitude generous carefully.


            • #7
              Thanks for the advice by all.I think Tim you have hit the nail on the head, and its not that the assembly is prone to failure, but if mounted in close proximity to your keel, it could then hit it.I will also do some testing to ensure the wheel cannot lock up at full compresion of the strut.The pic above is not mine, but very similar.Thanks Regards Sam. []


              • #8
                Here is a photo of my front wheel assembly.I think I have more than enougth room above my wheel.Regards Sam.Image Insert: 45.28


                • #9
                  If you bottom that out Sam, the last thing on your mind would be your nose wheel.Ignorance is bliss............but only till you realise you were.Ingratitude generous carefully.


                  • #10
                    Ah Sam L how about a complete pic of the trailer and gyro as the trailer looks interesting in desgine Thanls Des


                    • #11
                      Dragonfly mounted on trailer, disregard the lack of rotor head as it was being adapted to accommedate a pre-rotator.Regards Sam.Image Insert: 65.19


                      • #12
                        The Dragonfly!!! Very Nice


                        • #13
                          Mitch, Have talked to Rod Torr re bending the parts for your nose wheel and still waitlng for a price per unit. Will keep at it.M Barker


                          • #14
                            Thanks Murray,Didn't get around to handing over one of my front struts to you for destructive testing, will forward same if you email me at with contact details. Pretty excited at the moment, we may have a European Butterfly/Monarch deal on the drawing board, so all appropriate mods need to be rationalised over the next few months. It was great finally meeting you Murray, thank you for all your help,


                            • #15
                              Sam,Did you build Dragonfly on your own or was it a collabrative effort? Looks great, how does she fly? Regards,

