More Pics.Teeter plate is bent in the same direction as the jesus bolt and crushed head riser. The pivot has some deformation so too the pivot towers.Image Insert:
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48.08 KBThis triangulated fore and aft frame is a very strong set-up and I am amazed at how tough this 6061-T6 stuff is. Image Insert:
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Butterfly Dismantled 2
Awrite MITCHGood to see you been busy.Idle hands are the devils work shop.Working on the gyro is quit relaxing for me so I hope you have a great time on the rebuild.It's good to see your MAST with the HOLE in it is STILL good and you WONT need to replace it.[]Cheers MateSonnyIntelligence is not a privilege,it is a gift and should be used for the good of mankind.
G'Day Sonny,Jobs done Mate. All I have to do now is get these instabushes apart to retrieve, the plastic saddles.Not sure if I will use the mast, I will take that under advisement. Is interesting though, given the multitude of holes in it and the substantial damage sustained by the rest of the aircraft frame, blades and prop, that it should come through unscathed.See ya in a few weeks Digger.Cheers,
Mitch,At the very least you should get the mast bead blasted(Not sand) and then inspect especially around bolt holes etc.Its pretty much standard practice just to replace it though,I think Jerry Goodwin used to stock the 2x2 sections.If not i'm sure a small lenght like that would be easy to pick up on your trip to the US.M Barker
Morning Muzz,Under advisement I will be changing out the mast.Did you want a nice clean section of Benson Blade OR an ugly twisted piece for the Caboulture Wall Of Shame? How long?Heading off Friday.Cheers,
Thanks Ross,I hope it will be all that and more.Basically, after making a list today, I will be putting a whole new frame together. The good news is, that I can recover some shorter new tubes from some of the longer old bent ones. Or where tubes are straight but may have a deep abrasion, reducing the wall thickness and creating a stress point. All the mains supension and axle tubes are probably re-useable but I am going for a wider track due to the heavier Patroney Blades and will be manufacturing this from raw tube, using the same shocks and axle tube inserts and stiffeners ect.Many of the plates I thought I'd use again, upon re-inspection I will replace. Only keeping the bearing block from the head.Nick,Many of the bent tubes did so with out the paint lifting or cracking. Yet in others there was considerable blistering/splitting of the powder coat, where there was extensive bends or crushes.Cheers,
Mitch,A 2 or 3 foot section would be nice,a Benson and McCutchion blade section is about the only ones we dont have,no great hurry for it though.Next time "The Mule" is down your way i'll get him to pick it up.No doubt you will be replacing that nose strut with the new ones from Rod Torr?M Barker
Mitch, to me it seems what you have just said about the lack of any breach in the powder coating, except where there is extreme distortion indicates that this is an unsuitable finish for gyro compoments. There is a probability that the stuff will bridge a developing crack and prevent its early detection, not good! Far better, and lighter to use a light coat of a light coloured paint.John EvansThink logically and do things well, think laterally and do things better.
G'Day John,I know ole Mate, how you dont much like this powder coating stuff. I recall a lengthy chat we had about coatings (paint and chrome) way back. I've taken some pics for you to check out.There is a strong possibility future kits will be anodised only, which is apparently a good primer for painting if a client so desires.Future kits will not have chromed parts, they may be ceramic coated. There are some major changes taking place right now with my Company. I have taken on a full partner in the business. We have been involved in brokering a European manufacturing deal and we are looking at the viability of expanding our area of distribution/manufacturing interests into China and South East Asia. There will be a concerted effort made through our Associates here in Oz and in Poland to continue to upgrade/modify and improve product wherever possible, as indeed, Larry Neal has been doing, all along.See you on the way back.Cheers,Mitch. Image Insert:52.53 KB Image Insert:
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