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  • RRPM

    Hi guys,Can anyone tell me the "average" Rotor RPM you are getting from you gyro.....My preference is for 24 foot rotors, but any ballpark figure is fine at this early stage.CheersPaul

  • #2
    Paul,Rotor RPM is dependent on more than just rotor diameter, but, with a set of Jack Allen Rotors at 23´ 10¨ my machine does 330 RPM, but that was before the redrive was fitted. I have calibrated my tacho and will be able to advise what it is with a redrive and a 25´ 4¨ rotor system after sunday week.. you may have to wait..Cheers,Nick.


    • #3
      Thanks Nick,Does the manufacturer of the more common blades give figures for maximum RRPM....? Is 370 to 400 revs normal without loading up the disc?Paul


      • #4
        PaulTalk to the rotor blade manufactures, as each has a different set of figures they work from.Also each manufacturer will give you a recommended rotor size based on your specific machine.RegardsRoss B


        • #5
          Paul, running 23' DW's, my RRPM is around the 385-400 mark, pretty much what you are saying. You might work out your disc loading. area = pi x (r x r) then divide into your AUW (fuel, the pilot etc) with that number. You should come out with something maybe in the 1.3 to 1.6lbs/sq'. The manufacturer, as Ross says, should be able to tell you what range their rotors perform best in. There is probably a point where the loading is so light, rotors so long, that the gyro would be less stable than it might be in challenging conditions. []Dave

