We have had the "roaring forties" belting through here of late....but this morning I got into the air with ther New Blue Monarch...582 Rotax with Metro Launch System giving me a 220 rrpm for approx 3,800 engine rpm.I tested the MLS to 200 rrpm prior to flying the gyro. Full run up tests to follow.Elise bought me a spinning wind sock and I rigged up a vertical pole with a a 4 1/2 foot horizontal 1/2" OD tube at the end of which the sock is attached. Works a treat. Three takeoffs and landings off of the North West running paddock (at the Holiday Lodge) before the wind got back up again and I de-bladed and put the gyro back in the gyro van which is now parked up on site, in the paddock.My Mate "Nudge" took some video, so I"ll try and post some to Youtube soon.It was pure Magic to be back in the air and with the 582 Rotax giving me the extra ponnies, the thing went like a rocket. Short field take-offs easily executed and to my surprise my approaches and landings in this unfamiliar paddock was a non event. It was really special flying around my back paddock and home patch. Thursday on is looking good as we should have a "High" sitting up over us, so I expect to put some hours on the Monarch then.Engine was faultless and no stick shake at all. Everything performed as expected.
No announcement yet.
New Blue Monarch Butterfly.
Great to hear that the ship flys well and particularly the MLS is delivering the goods eliminating that spin up.Blowing a gale and lots of dirt here this morning so its good being on the ground wishing I could get back into it!!! :Reckon the wind will settle a bit later today.Anyway, well done there Mitch !!
Hello Brian,Yes I"m am very pleased with the results of first time out.Here is a video link.http://au.youtube.com/watch?v=AF3coGEWF9gCheers,Mitch.
Gday mitchIm a ra aus new pilot ..... flying a tecnam...sierra...2002 ... very nice machine.Im looking at getting into gyros as this has always been one of my many goals.I have been ...taxing .... and also tied the gyro down in a trailer ..... to get get the feel when the rotors are at flying speed.Beginning to look at training .... but i like the satisfaction of doing things my self.My question to you is (only my opinion) Why were you attracted to such a ugly machine?Watching your videos and also looking at your photos... you look very uncomfortable sitting in that machine.... it doesnt look right flying...Looking at other machines they look slick .... and like there meant to fly.... but your machine to me as a beginner looks like its ready to fall out the sky.....Id just like your opinion on choosing a suitable machine.CheersNarn
NarnDid you learn to fly your tecnam on your own or did you get instruction. How many times did you taxi a fixed wing without any instruction. How many times did you tow the fixed wing on a trailer to see what it felt like.Get some instruction before you do any more gyro stuff, or we will be reading about you in the incident reports.I don"t care how many hours you have in fixed wings, a small mistake will kill you in a gyro. If you like we can arrange to have some of the incident reports forwarded to you, they make for sickening reading.Ross B
G"Day Narn,Welcome to the forum. The gyro addiction is fulltime and all consuming. Make certain you are up for it.As for my attraction to all things ugly, I guess I have no excuses or reasons why.I like ugly gyros that make me feel uncomfortable and doesn"t feel or fly right. ;DNarn, I have no idea why you are thinking the Butterfly is ugly or does not fly right, or why you would think it looks like it would fall out of the sky?????What other gyros are you comparing it to?The AirCommand new generation gyros look so similar, you"d be hard pressed to tell the difference as a newbie. You would likely find the Dominators to be "uglier" than the Butterflies.My priority when choosing a gyro design was SAFETY and STABILITY and the Butterfly range is all that and more.......if that means UGLY, then bring it on.Seriously, you state videos and pictures, so you have seen more than one. A keen eye will note there has been an engine upgrade and a seat tank upgrade and a pre-rotator install, a colour change and different blades.......I am sorry you feel the Butterfly range is ugly, perhaps it is me that taints the view. :PI"ll be keen to see pics of your gyro.
The "High", got squezzed a tad and the perfect day, became a "get in the air early, afore the roaring forties come a knockin".I decided to add extra fuel and carried 31 litres.I spun up and found the brakes creeping at around 3800-3900 engine rpm. I had 210 rrpm so I let her go.This time I kept her balanced on the mains and when she broke ground I did not experience the dramatic torque roll I had previously encountered. Perhaps I had the stick more centred this time out.The Tamar River and surrounds were spectacular. This time I had time (fuel) to go somewhere. So off to Greens Beach by tracking up the western bank of the river to Bass Strait. Then back to Badgers Head Road, where a Mate lives. Got the big wave and turned and headed up one of the inlets of the river.Back to the "home" paddock, some low level fun and then a fly over and a couple of approaches. I noted the windsock was showing me a Nor Northeasterly had blown in and I was going to have to deal with a 90 degree crosswind.
Gday Brian and MitchSouth Australia mitch and id like to come down but im pretty sure i wont be able to leave my work.... and i did take your comments in good steed.... and i wasnt trying to insult you or your machine.BrianI quess because of the feeling of accomplishing being a gyro pilot..... with out any input.Pig headed and cocky maybe?But i have to say that i have read some of the accidents on this forum and it has me wondering.I was going to take the VW motor off and pratice gyro gliding on the pipeline track..... roughly 100 kms flat and straight road....Im keen to have a go at anything... but im not ready to have my bum wiped .... nor killed yet at 27.......So yeah your forum def.... has been a eye openerIm really keen on the rosco machines..... as i only have a open seater bensen machine...Im looking to pay around 20000 .. and i believe you need a machine to do training at kevins....Thanks have a good dayNarn
Thanks for answering the question. Not having a go at you or anyone else but we seem to have a sort of mentality with gyros that encourages people to have a go [for a lack of a better word] at flying them without what one could call proper instruction, now years ago before 2 seat gyros, this was the way you learnt and the stats tell us pretty clearly that it was fraught with dangerl!! Today, we have no excuses, lots of work has been done to prepare the newcomers way so that you get the best chances.The Rosco is a good paddock gyro, tough as nails, well built, you can get service,Rosco can basically mill lathe anything so you dont get caught waiting for bits unless you have a NIS gearbox that does the clutch module [and has to be shipped out of the USA by camel] and its been time proven over and over again it is HTL and so you need to learn that its not a hands off machine although the 912 rotax powered machine might well be closer to "about CLT" I have had a Rosco for 4,800 hours flying time so I know the old girl very well. Have not flown many other gyros so I"m biased as to the Rosco. Having said that, the gyro Mitch is flying is a stable easy to fly gyro that doesnt cost the earth so there"s something for everyone!You dont need a gyro to train in but its a great idea to have a gyro that Kevin or any Technical Advisor can check out and test fly for you and to have a gyro that you can begin with under Kevins watchfull eye.Just a word of warning, if you decide on a 2nd hand gyro, get someone worth their salt to check it out to see if it will meet what ever you are going to do with it. I know roughly where you are so Broken Hill isnt far away and Rosco or Tim Mac are very good at that.
Hi Mitch, I have been able to do some good numbers pre rotating in the last few days thanks to that ripper wind, got a max of 220 revs yesterday and I reckon one was better than that but the wind started to pick me up after about 10 yard ground roll and thats impossible with my old girl and a full tank
G"Day Brian,That wind sure does blow at this time of year Eh!Great numbers. Bit surprising getting airbourne in 30 odd foot.Like you say makes for some busy piloting.Been talking to Larry about the brakes. Seems I am the weak link and my grip was tiring. I now am armed with the knowledge to adjust the Black Max to give me a better leverage on the brake. I"ll be testing the brakes again soon without the spin up first. I am told when properly adjusted the Black Max will hold the 582 to 6250 engine rpm.Hope tomorrow is suitable for an outing.
Here are some "stills" off of the video.Cheers,Mitch.