G'Day Gents,Another Monarch takes to the air. Chris Wilson solo flight and comments.......................................... ...........................Let me tell you about this little ship. I am so impressed with theoperation of this ship. It was very easy to fly from the first lift off....I started out with taxiing and balancing on the main gear. it got airbornewith me when I did not want it to but I just put it down again. It wasreally a non-event. I let Matt fly it for a little and let it sit for anhour. The airport traffic died down a bit so I took the 5000 ft runway22/04. I did some hops down the runway, longer and longer just to feel thecontrols. I then flew the length of the 5000' runway and turned around andflew the other way. Again, this was a non-event. The machine is verypredictable with the inputs I would give.I went back in and refueled and waited for about 45 minutes while the CarterCopter flew. The G force is a bit tricky on landings if you land to oneside and not square on both wheels at the same time. I went back out afterCC was finished. This time I went to the ski and burned it up!! The onlything I felt was the trim needed to be adjusted because I had to apply aslight amount of back pressure in normal flight. There was very littlestick shake. This thing is a kick in the pants to fly!!! You will lovethis machine. .................................................. ..................Image Insert: