Well, flying around yesterday was nearly a privilege, the flying has been very good all month but yesterday was a beauty, the fuel flow meter was sitting around the mid 14 "s per litre with full fuel and later, with a light fuel load, I was regularly seeing 13"s and doing it easy , a good climb could be had with just 15 LPH. The rev counter also supported the flow meter as well so it wasnt a faulty gauge.Rob Patroney would say his rotors were working as they should and I might say that the change over to premium the day before did the trick but the facts stood out. Turns any direction /height were a no brainer and the old girl just "floated" behind the cows so easy, if only this was the case all the time !!
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What A Lovely Day
Sounds awesome... Subaru??So Spill.. What"s you machines configuration?My old girl is a Rosco with a pod, pretty standard really, built about 1997. Has a Suby [of course] 2.2 , 76 inch prop/ rotax C box etc I might add that "normal fuel flow with full tanks is approx 15.5 to 16.5LPH, sometimes on a bad air day, up to 18LPH, then as you get down into that last hours fuel, then you usually see approx 15 to 14.8 LPH. I dont push hard, a nice cruise is approx 3,800 revs although it will pull to 5,000 revs and its true airspeed is around the 50 knots although if you bump the revs up to 4200 then you see about 65 to 70 knotsAwesome? sure was and very enjoyable as you could do just about anything your imagination could think of although I"m a pretty cautious flyer now days so I leave lots of margin for error. Most days at low level and low airspeed, you really have to be aware of that downwind turn doesn"t get you into a bit of bother although I can feel if anything is going to be a problem pretty early so if the gyros tells me not to do it, then I do it another way.I"m pretty privileged all round actually, I get to fly a gyro, got a brilliant wife and have a blessed life. Have a few organic acres of our own that runs a few Boer goats and Dorper sheep that we get to round up and play with.