I thought I"d share with you 20 reasons why I fly gyroplanes.This may help shead some light on our great sport and encourage others to truly consider gyroplanes over other forms of flight like GA and Ultralights ."Why I fly a Gyroplane".1) They are more stable than a Cessna.2) They have a better view than a Cessna.3) They are much more manuverable than a Cessna.4) They will land in the smallest of paddocks (dead stick) unlike a Cessna.5) You can trailer your gyro, unlike a Cessna.6) You can store it in your garage, unlike a Cessna.7) You can fly a gyro sideways, unlike a Cessna.8) You can fly a gyro backwards, unlike a Cessna.9) You can (True) vertical decend a gyro, unlike a Cessna.10) A gyro will not spin, unlike a Cessna.11) A gyro will not stall, unlike a Cessna.12) Gyroplanes can fly safely behind the power curve, unlike a Cessna. 13) A gyroplane can land with zero ground roll, unlike a Cessna.14) You can inspect every nut and bolt in a gyroplane before flight, unlike a Cessna.15) A gyroplane is cheaper to run, and fly, unlike a Cessna.16) You can see through your wings in a steep turn in a gyro, unlike a Cessna.17) And you wont pass out from monoxide poisoning in a (pusher) gyro, unlike a Cessna.18) A gyroplane usually takes up less than 1/4 the hanger space of a Cessna.19) Given a Gyro requires less space in a hanger, it usually costs less for hangerage.20) A gyroplane can hover in light winds, unlike a Cessna.21) A gyroplane is cheaper to buy than a Cessna. 22) You can have a dozen Cessnas line up in the paddock & one gyro ..... people will walk past the Cessnas to look at the gyro.23) Unlike a Cessna , a gyro makes a "woka woka" noise.24) The gyro owner can build/repair/maintain his machine - unlike a Cessna Regards SamL..............Gyroplane pilot ;D ;D ;D
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Why I fly a "GYROPLANE"
Ok then smarty, what i should have writen was you CAN NOT maintain level flight behind the power curve, how that treat you.Much better Bonesy boy, I feel all happy inside NOW ;D ;D ;DOnce a FW falls behind its power curve it usually stalls, then it will either, spins, mushes, or drop its nose. Depending on the aircraft this can become very interesting very quickly. A gyro flown behind the power curve will simply start to descend without any loss of control what so ever. One of the things I like to demonstrate to FW pilots is, raising the nose and pulling all power. This usually freaks them out ;D ;D ;D Regards SamL................
What is the definition of behind the power curve for gyros. Is it when you start adding power to maintain level flight at low airspeed, or is it when you start to fall out of the sky.Good question Pete.Yes its when you run out of available power to sustain straight and level flight. This will usually occur when executing a hover in nil wind. As your rotors slow, your lift is reduced and so you compensate by adding power(or thrust) until you reach max power/full throttle. At this point the machine will start to descend (not fall out of the sky)
The stall warning goes off BEFORE it stalls. Not sure how long before but if it went off at stall, itd be a waste of space, coz you dont need a buzzer to tell you youv stalled a FW.I know a bloke who did thousands of hours mustern ina 150, and wenever you talked to him on the wierless, you could hear the buzzer. He wasnt stalled, but getn close to it.IOW, no, you cant fly a FW at or below stall speed.And i agree 100% with your No. 24.Thats the best part bout own"n a gyro.
"I get the impression ol Sammy dont like Cessnas. Cheesy"Can do 9 until you bust nes, if you have too much height or are doin a stall turn. Higher decent rateHave known blokes to do 24, long as you stay out bush and be ready to outland. Might not always be legal though.Flies like a truck and carries like one too. Cruise at 100+kt depending on the donk and mods.The avgas burn and parts are the biggest pains. Not to mention the poor vis, need for a runway and boredom